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Ah, fond memories of pretending to be an Australian and being chased out of a butchers shop and down the road by a boyfriend/husband promising blue (or rather messy red) murder...




Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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I've had to read that at least four times...


And I *think* that only three people were involved... *confused*


And what was she wearing at the time of the door-opening if I've got this right... 😳


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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The door bell rang....


The girl I was with ('A') ignored it (so she must have been having a good time *eek*), and one of her flatmates (B) went to answer the door.


On seeing who was at the door (A's bloke!) B greets him with "[unnaturally loud mode] Hello Bloke C, Err... I think.... Err.... A is Err.... Asleep... Err... I'll go and ...Err wake her"[/unnaturally loud mode].


A (having perfect hearing, only MY ears were covered at the time *tongue* *eek*) realised who was at the door and tapped me on the head to explain.


I then had a few seconds, while Girl B stalled Bloke C at the door, in which to gather my clothes and scurry across the landing into the room of girl B who then returned to find a naked me in her room 😳








Look it's Mavis here and Jubilee 7 here

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Girl B and I went to a party but nowt 'appened ☹️


But I remember thinking during the landing run that the whole thing was very 'Carry-On' / 'Confessions of a window cleaner' Ealing comedy style and would have looked hilarious to anyone watching.


There was plenty laughter from the other two flatmates when they came back and we explained why I was downstairs with 'B'. 😳




Look it's Mavis here and Jubilee 7 here

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