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Crack testing Barnby Mags


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After my shunt at Mallory I suspect I ought to get my Barnby Mag wheels crack tested before I use them again.


I gather than MBE test them by shot-blasting the powder-coating off the mag centres and then using penetrative dye to test for cracks. Does anyone know how much they charge for this service?


The alternative is X-ray testing, which would have the advantage I suppose that I wouldn't have to remove the tyres from the wheels. Does anyone know somewhere (preferably in the SE of England) that offers this service and again how much they charge for it?





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I have almost-free access to dozens of cans of penetrating dye stuff. The problem is that penetrating dye is pish all use since the magnesium's safely ensconsed under a thick layer of powdercoat. The chances of the relatively flexible powdercoat cracking is nix, the chances of the magnesium centres cracking is slightly higher. All using penetrative dye on them in their current state would show me is whether or not the powdercoat's cracked, which isn't going to help.


That's why MBE shotblast the powdercoat off and then re-powdercoat them. Not really the kind of thing I'd like to try at home...


Thanks for the thought though.




p.s. Is it really the case that no-one's had their Barnby Mags X-ray tested? *eek*

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Coltec Racing Engines (formally Holbay) will Crack Test.

Richard Coles is the owner and the rates are always pleasingly reasonable.


We just used them for all our X flow machining work, which came in under estimate.


Tel 01473 738738

Just outside Ipswich.






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I used to use some pretty lightweight magnesium wheels on my race bike. I got them non-destructive tested by a company called Capital Inspection in Staines. Don't know if they are still there. Try directory enquiries. They used to test all the Enkai wheels for McLaren. They should be ablre to recommend the best solution if they are still in business.



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Don't X-Ray them unless you are looking for porosity. X rays won't find the small surface cracks that are the real problem and will lead to a fatigue failure.


The dye penetrants that are commonly available from RS aren't too bad but they are not as revealing as some of the dyes used by commercial test houses.





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I agree Chris, X-Ray probably isnt the way forward if they are small surface cracks you are looking for. I worked for a year in a casting foundry making gas turbine / jet engine blades in Devon whilst at uni, and ISTR that porosity was the only real thing you could see on the X-Rays, and various dye penetration tests were also done to find cracks.
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Right I have had a chat with SPI in Imingham and they recomend a "Flouresent test" for this the wheel idealy needs stripping down and the powder coating removing the cost would be around £20 per wheel done on their site in Imingham


There Phone number is 01469 575728.


Or he also recomended C.T.Meadway ndt near London [owners son races bikes]



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