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Job acronyms


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Oh joy. Was wading through the job op emails today and came across one position for a Project Office Officer - I used to pretend to be a POM, but now I can apply to be a POO instead.... *biggrin*


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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One of the management fads we used to have at work had FKU's. The funny part was that they were part of Base Systems which had owners.


So we had to go to mandatory BS training presented by the plant BS Owner and learn about FKU. I kid you not.


Another friend of mine was telling me about a heat exchanger design he was working on where somebody had named a parameter A_hole (area of the hole).

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Back in my dairy industry days there were a few projects that came round and round every so often, then faded away to nothing before miraculously reappearing in another guise. Unsurprisingly we termed these "hardy perennials" and the projects soon became known as HP1, 2 etc. Somewhere in one of the big dairy groups I am sure there is some poor soul trying to incorporate whey into high value dairy products without anyone noticing. Equally there is a marketing guy who's convinced it's a fantastic idea that nobody has thought of before. 😬 A brief course in chemistry would be instructive for both of them. Sadly in this brave new world there is no room for "negativity" *mad* even when you explain that you aren't saying it can't be done, you are just explaining a few facts for them to draw their own conclusions...
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