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Closing areas of Nemesis

Dickie Normuss

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Nooooo, not the sand-blasting.... (OK, this is probably one of my fathers repressed memories - although he has to look at it every bl&&dy day...)


My parents own a Victorian house - it had lain unused (apart from glue sniffers etc.) for 12 years before we moved in. As part of the renovation, one large fireplace (buried under layers and layers of paint) was sandblasted.


I came back from the grammar skule one afternoon to see huge clouds of sandy dust engulfing the garden - in fact, I was so amazed I took some photos on my SLR (remember them, kids???) and a load more in the room where the fireplace was. The light in the room was fantastic - the multi-pane vicki glass door was passing lovely pastel pink light into the room... Marvelous.


Parents came home and took one look at the fireplace - the stone had been pitted to hell...


Please stop this torture...


And if you even hint about combustible felines.... *wink*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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To pre-empt the coal-cellar discussion, I used to be sufficiently slim (aged about 13-15) that I could squeeze myself through the coal grating (probably only 8 inches wide), down the coal shute and then let myself in through the cellar door...


..backfired on occassion when my father started locking the cellar (never did find out what he was keeping hidden down there... *eek*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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