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Spare wheel fitting - aaarrrrrrggggggggggghhhh

Tim Sture

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I've got a live axle Vx 1600 and yesterday decided it was about time I fitted the spare wheel bracket so I didn't have to carry the spare wheel in the passenger seat...


So I spent two hours de-siliconing the boot floor (ally honeycomb) at the end of which I discovered that I could not move the floor enough to get access to fit the bits to the rear panel. Not without removing the full roll cage anyway, which I'm not about to attempt.


Then I looked more closely and spotted that there was already a threaded bush in the appropriate spot. [insert argh anywhere around here!] The bush has the right thread for the wheel location bolt and I have managed to fit the spare wheel. Not been anywhere yet as I am worried I have made some dreadful mistake - don't want the wheel falling off anywhere.



1) Will the wheel be fixed OK as it is? (I suspect the fixing may chafe some paint away around the hole as it is but I'm more concerned about safety)

2) Do I need to remove the bush that is already in the rear panel and replace it with the other bits I've got?


Thanks in advance

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It isn't clear from your posting, or at least, my reading of it, whether or not you have any type of wheel supporting frame under the wheel.....it usually holds the rear number plate as well!


If you have just located the spare wheel using the central bolt alone, then I would doubt very much if this would take the weight of a spare for very long...


Sorry if I've missed the point here....



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Andrew - I have used the wheel support frame holding the number plate. Fortunately even I'm not daft enough to think that the bolt alone would hold the wheel!


Nick - good idea - I did think about that over a year ago but never got round to getting any. Must nip into Halfords to do so. Thanks



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Sorry if offence was taken, but it wasn't clear from your initial posting........


As for using Tire Weld, altho I carry a tin, I always feel safer carrying a spare wheel, call me old fashioned, but I have caused some serious damage to tyres in the past, which no amount of tire weld would have fixed. Mind you that was during road rallies in the 70's and driving along unmade roads! Not a habitat that the Seven now sees....


What sort of arrangement do you have...are you using the Y shaped wheel bracket?


If you look at most Sevens they employ a fairly standard system of retention, and yours should be capable of supporting the weight, if you use similar fixings.



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Tim, I think what you've done is Ok, generally the bolt and Y bracket are Ok for "fore and aft" security, the base bracket should take most of the. On the subject of tyre weld, as I am moving to a SL and binning No.5 wheel, Nick any advice on living without one, do you travel with a small 12v compressor, foot pump or what? Will tyre weld sort most punctures short of a blow out? what damage to the wheels will it do?



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Graham Sewell is absolutely right, if its safety first, then carry the spare. Also be warned in the event of a rear end shunt, an insurance company may want to know if the spare was in place in the manufs recommended position., especially as the third party 'may' have to cough up for any repairs. Had this problem when the rear mounting bracket on my 1937 TA MG pierced the radiator of the perpetrator, and the third party insurers insisted it would not have caused the extent of damage if the spare was fitted in its correct location. Despite protestations-we each paid for our own repairs.(I carried the spare behind the drivers seat not on its bracket)


Tyre weld is o.k. if you don't mind binning the tyre afterwards. Any of these sprays and quick fixes ruin the inside lining if run for too long. If you have to use tyre weld to get you home, get the tyre off a.s.a.p and scrub it clean inside before proper repair.


Edited by - John Whyman on 9 Apr 2001 14:49:24

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I carry a can of tyre weld to be safe (don't carry spare), however , in all three of the punctures I've actually had, I've driven home at moderate speed with no ill effects.


Sevens are so light and the sidewalls of modern low profile tyres (mostly sttel belted) designed for much heavier passenger cars that they'll "get you home" without being trashed with tyre weld. Lets face it we run low pressure anyhow (I have 16psi in mine).


Cheers, Simon.

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A large can of tyre weld should be enough to seal the leak and inflat the tyre enough to get you somewhere that can fix the tyre or home. Loosing the spare wheel at the extreme of the car improved handling ( 16" wheel and tyre not exactly light ) As far as any more serious damage is concerned, the weight of a 7 is so low that damage in the tread area is unlikely and that leaves the side wall. If you damage the sidewall it probably means you have got things wrong in a big way so a tow truck is going to be the only way of getting home anyway.





Edited by - Nick Pargiter on 9 Apr 2001 20:26:57

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Thanks for all the replies. I'm beginning to think that I need a spare AND can of tyreweld....


AFAIK it's no use relying on the AA as they will not give any assistance with a flat other than fitting a spare tyre you have with the car. I do a bit of trekking away from home in the car (eg this Saturday off to near York for an airfield trackday, a fair trek from Preston).

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I can't carry a spare (carrierless car). I have the tank crash protection kit.. So not so bad there.

I carry tyreweld. But some tyre places don't like repairing tyres that have had it used on them. One place told me so when I quized them. He made out that it was a DOT rule! ..so check that out before you go.


I had to force the AA to agree to trailer me home in the event of a tyre blow out.

Note I have not had a blow out...touch wood.

Their policy is that if you have provision for a spare then you must carry it to be covered. I cannot carry a spare by the cars design and so they gave in, in the end after 'management attention'

Green Flag don't mind either way....

My AA policy is due up now so a ring around I think.



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I don't know if you are travelling to Elvington along the M62 or the A59, but if the latter, you will pass right by my house. I live in a village in between York and Harrogate and will gladly provide a cup of coffee or tea, with biscuits, to you or any of your fellows from LAD.


Mail me off line if you would like directions.


Unfortuneately my Seven is not quite ready for this outing but hopefully there is a second track day in May....


I've not driven at Elvington before and would be interested to hear of your thoughts on it....



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I sent an email suggesting I pop in to say hello on the way past after the event (I may come back on the A59 but will be coming with the others on the M62) but haven't heard - wonder if there's a problem with email?


If you email me at home by tomorrow evening on timandhelen@sture.freeserve.co.uk or phone me at home on 01772 734090 we can arrange....


Edited by - Tim Sture on 13 Apr 2001 19:52:53

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Sorry, I haven't been able to check my home pc for e mails for the past day or two. Will read them this evening and respond...if there's a problem, I can call you.


I'll look forward to seeing you....


The M62 is probably the quickest route from West to East, or return, but the A59 is a pleasant run especially in a Seven...





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