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Bl**dy Computers - Help ... please!


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Friends, Shedders, ComputerGeeks... lend me your skills...


*mad* For the last two days, I've been having problems with Outlook *mad*


Clicking on either the Outlook icon in the Start menu or right clicking on the desktop icon, the hourglass timer sits on the screen for a few seconds ... and then ... NOTHING *mad*


I'm completely flummoxed *confused* *confused* *confused*


IE is OK but opening Google takes a good half minute. I'm on ISDN and speed is 64 kbps


Windows XP Home version


Is there anyone out there who can help? Pretty please ☹️ I feel like throwing the whole bloody thing at the wall atm *mad*


A very *confused* and ☹️ and *mad* FH

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Is that Outlook express - or a full version....


One thing you can try to help gather a bit more info. is to do a CTRL+ALT+DEL when it goes all porridgy to bring up the Windows Task Manager.


You can then click the second tab (processes) and then click (twice) on the CPU column (so that the biggest numbers are at the top).


It'd be mildly handy to find out which processes are hogging the CPU.


If Outlook.exe is showing something stupid like 100% CPU time, that might give the tech bods a bit more of a clue what's going on.


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Thanks chaps *biggrin*


Myles, I was on OE until about two months' ago when I was changed over to Outlook


Rrrrrrosssssssss, I've been Ctrl, Alt Deleting and rebooting until my fingers are sore!


There's 00 in the CPU column, apart from System Idle Process at the bottom of the list which shows 99

RH column, there are lots of Outlook.EXE with 00 in the CPU and with figures of around 1,500 in the RH column

ccApp.EXE has 11,328

svchost.EXE System 23,168


Sonny James doesn't allow me to fiddle with the computer, but I did do Monsieur Barry's Quick Fix when BC was down, installing something in the hosts thingy and I don't know how to go back into IE and remove it *eek*


He got me to install Ad-aware 6.0 yesterday and found a couple of nasties which have now gone 😳 but I think he ran out of patience with my numptiness ☹️ (The conversation was through MSN messenger, but he was at work so couldn't assist me remotely...)


Boonie, thanks for the offer of the brandy *tongue* but I think I need all me fack-ulties atm 😳


FH... still *confused*


Edited by - FH on 16 Jan 2004 13:59:17

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FH, BTinternet has been playing silly bu99ers the last couple of days for me with mail and Outlook. From what I remember you are also with them, so don't discount the possibility that you may not be doing anything wrong...
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Hello Geek *biggrin* is it snowing where you are? I'm on BTConnect ackshully but same thing, just the "business" user connection.


MyCam stuff will be banging on Sheddy's door stating it's undeliverable - the one good thing is the respite from all the pr0n that's been arriving lately *eek* 😳 - have to say, some of the recent stuff even makes a "woman of the world" like me blush 😳 😳 😳


FH *cool*

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I've had trouble accessing btopenworld email recently as well.... and pipex broadband seemed really slow most of yesterday (or was that due to me trying to download 700mb of BBC caterham documentary??)...


I often find moving the mouse cursor through little 'figure of 8's on the screen when the egg-timer appears helps out (or at does with SAP at least)...



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FH - the changes that Barry suggested to the Hosts file will not affect anything else - only how your pooter finds BC - so don't worry about that...


Generally speaking, if you end up with more than one outlook.exe process running, none of them will work as at least one will be tied up in knots and they'll all want the access to the same files.


One thing you could try is a scan/repair of the outlook message files... erm, lemme dig around for the repair tool...


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Hmm - well, the applet I was thinking of (scanpst.exe) seems to belong to the Win95/98 era - but might be on your MS Office installation disk.


That'd be the first place to check...


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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I don't understand applets Myles *confused* *eek* *confused* Don't think I ought to do re-installs - I might phuk-up 😳


I have just done a re-boot, tried Rhubarb's "jig" and Outlook opened *eek* However, I have about ten different mail accounts, some being directed from the website etc and others from yahoo/hotmail. It is hanging on "receiving message 1 of 600 and something" on the first e-mail address, which is fullharness unfortunately... this means, it won't download anything important on the business addresses ☹️


Hey ho...

Anyway, it's Mr FH's birthday tomorrow, so I'd better go out soon to buy his pressies *thumbup* 😬


FH *cool*


Edited by - FH on 16 Jan 2004 14:51:18

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Reboot PC (quickest way for a non tecchie to terminate any old Outlook.exe processes)

Double click on Outlook...


Walk away!

(go have a couple of drinkies and read a book / go for a blat / change your clutch release bearing / fix the drainage in the bottom field)


Come back MUCH later and check any error messages.


The biggest mistake that people make with 'puters is assuming that if they haven't done something within the first 10 milliseconds that they're 'broke' and it's time to start clicking any buttons in sight! Often the 'puter is just waiting for something else to happen (like BT internet to work) and there's nothing wrong, they'll usually 'time-out' and give you an error message EVENTUALLY.


If it's not done something in an hour, then it's probably 'broke'.


😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬


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My car caught a cold and has a runny nose *eek* Powder Puff has provided us with a previously cherished "hankie" (aka radiator) but we (i.e. me, the oily rag) and chief mechanic Mav haven't had the time/right weather conditions to fit it ☹️ So blatting's out of the question ☹️

The biggest mistake that people make with 'puters is assuming that if they haven't done something within the first 10 milliseconds that they're 'broke' and it's time to start clicking any buttons in sight!
😳 *eek* 😳 *eek* ☹️ - not guilty m'lud... I 'used' to be impatient, now I'm just querulous *tongue*


FH *cool*

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Erm, I don't have a full version of Outlook to play with anymore - but if OE is anything to go by....


Fire up outlook, go to the Tools menu and then Accounts. Make sure you're looking at the mail accounts (rather than news etc.) - you *might* be lucky and have either a 'change order' button, or some up and down arrowy things that let you highlight your business accounts and move them up and down the hierachy so that they download first...




Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Don't seem to be able to do that ☹️ Never mind... thanks for all your efforts chaps. Guess I'll be crawling all over the floor, unplugging everything and making a trip to son's house 🙆🏻 What a luvvly way to spend a Sunday *thumbdown*


Have a great week-end all *biggrin*


FH *cool*

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FH, those are exactly the symptoms I've been getting (sitting there on 'downloading 1 of x').

So I'd say it's entire BT and not you (other than trying to start more instances of Outlook *tongue*)

Eventually it would give me an error saying it couldn't connect (or something)


I receive mail from a couple of servers and couldn't find a 'change order they are checked in' option either. However, I did receive some email from the 'second' server, so maybe hope isn't entirely lost and some may get through to you.


In the meantime, do you know how to use the webmail front end? At least that way you could check if there was anything important waiting...


The problem has been on and off for the last 2-3 days - probably just a matter of luck whether you try to connect during one of the good times *smile*


P.S. No snow here, but there is on the tops. I really need a digital camera and/or webcam ☹️ Still, lots of sunshine and no wind all day - makes me realise why I stuck two fingers up to the idea of living in a city *wink* 😬 *cool*

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Hit it again. and again. and again until the whirring stops......


Unfortunately, this just brings back the image in some 2nd WW film (possibly Band of Brothers series) where a bomb lands in a bunker next to two of our chaps with the propeller-driven fuse whirring away...


..and then it finally stopped...




Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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