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snow chains


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Came to work in the seven today - it needs to see the doctor about an electrical problem. Anyway, we have loads of snow falling - big lumps of the stuff. Can any shedders tell me how to fit snow chains - I've cobbled some together out of paper clips (extra large size) and am waiting for a break in the weather.

I'm just going outside, I may be gone some time! 😬

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lay the chained melody out in front of the drive wheels (thats the ones at the front on a caterham I believe).

always start with the port wheel, remember port out, starboard home...


clip the first paper clip on to the air valve. then get in the car and engage 1st gear. floor the throttle and dump the clutch. The plan here is to spin the wheels loads so that the chain wraps it's self around the axle.

remove the hamster that got caught up in the spokes whilst doing this.

apply plaster to your thumb where you sliced it on the clips.

attach the lose ends of the chain togther using flange bracket C making sure to use the sonic-screwdrive on 'exterminate' setting only.

repeat for starboard hull.

re-tire to the pub until summer arrives.



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Don't forget to put Tab A into Slot B, fold along dotted line and no step...



...and if you managed all of that without gluing two or more fingers together, you're a better man than me, Gungha Dhin...


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Rhubarb - you are THE MASTER

Your technique worked flawlessly (apart from losing the hamster - must look on that thread again)

I am now home and safe (and what's more, Melody is by my side in front of a roaring fire)

Thanks to you all

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[no joke - honest]


When I had my seven (sob ☹️), a friend of mine thought it was front wheel drive and had power steering!!!


My reaction cannot be repeated on a family website like this *eek*


[/no joke - honest]



That is the truth by the way - honest 😬




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you mean to say it isn't???

oh bugger.

you'll be telling me that the engine isn't under the boot floor next, and that the big metal lump under the long thin wobbley thing with vents in at the front isn't a foot warmer/massager. 😬 😬



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Some times. When I think this shed cannot get any more stupid (said with aggressive expression) you all go and totally redeem yourselves (or your elves)

You have all made a glaring misstake(house grill). If you warmed up some pawing drins with a match, you could roll them up betwixt fum and 4finga and skweeese them through the air valve. As they cooled down they would maintain their original shape (due to them havin elastic mammary). The centrifrugalhorn forces would cause the pointy bits to flibbert through the tyre and create spikey tyres. There. Sorted. eejits *wink* 😬 😬


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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ahhh... Texas.. I worked a year in Fort Worth. It was hilarious when they had 1/2" of slush (not even real snow). It CRIPPLED the place. Downtown was a ghost town, not a redneck in sight! People were crawling at 10mph down the empty interstate in their huge 'off-roader' 4x4s. All the locals went home from work at 11am as 'its getting a bit dicey out there'. Me and another couple of brits just looked outside in amazement and asked them what the heck they meant... its just a little snow....


I was having a ball on the empty roads though in my rental car! the handbrake can be so useful sometimes!!


oh 'eck.. just realised this post was almost sensible... sensible & texas.. normally don't go together either!!



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