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New season - what are you aiming for or especially looking forward to?

Andy. N

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Now that we've turned the corner and are into the new year we can all start looking forward to the new sprint season. What are you all aiming for or especially looking forward to in 2004?


For my 2nd year I want (need/must/cannot fail!!) to get round Curborough in the 65's (best so far is mid 66's). I'm also looking forward to more of the same general banter and good atmosphere. I'll also know how to respond properly when Richard Price says you can get round Paddock Bend at Curborough without lifting 😬. Moving from Class 4 to Class 2 (1800 Supersport) will also be interesting - hopefully chasing mid table positions!!


It will also be interesting to see the result of the upgrades and developments people have made over the winter.......roll on April.


What's everyone else looking forward to?


Andy Nicholls


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Having had one or two outings in class 4 with a standard 120bhp 1800K and been totally off the pace (most of that is NOT down to the car *wink*) I invested in a few bits and pieces to raise the power output only to find that I would have been able to compete in class 2 this year.

So, armed with 200 bhp, an LSD and some new tyres, I've bitten the bullet and decided to see how far off the pace I can be in class 5 😬. I've decided to enter the championship proper to see how it goes.

It will be interesting to see how much difference the 'new' car feels and performs against my times for previous outings. My expectations are to have more fun, enjoy the banter and better my results. Although with the new kit, I'm effectively setting a new baseline. It has long been my ambition to compete in a motorsport championship - so here goes *eek* Roll on Llandow.



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I am looking forward to joining in with the Sprinting this year. I do not have a lot of track experience but thought this might be a good way to focus on improving my track driving skills. I have always dreamed of doing something in motorsport and being 37 last birthday I did not want to leave it too late in life where I would be wishing "only if I had done this when I was younger".


My aim is to have good time and hopefully see an improvement in my driving.


Due to the engine in my car I will probably be in class 5 so Tom I do not think you'll have any worries and it will be me collecting the "wooden spoon".


I have a few things to do to the car before the first met but I am really enjoying all the prep work.


Hope to see you all at the meets. You'll recognise me I'll be the annoying t@wt asking all the silly questions, so please tell me to go away nicely.


Alan and his Yellow and Green BDR.


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Hopefully I am aiming to beat Graham (aka Bacon Butty) at at least one event this season - even if he is in Class 3 with those sticky ACB10's and I have to languish in Class 2 with the RE720s.




Bacon and Brie Baguettes - a must at MIRA!!!


Trainee Clerk of the Course

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I'm sure you can afford a set of ACB10's to play in Class 3,



I'm not sure how you work out I'm one of the 'Fast Boys' I think you've got me mistaken with somone else, I think you should be looking out for Dave, Robin, Rob and Adrian before you start to worry about me 😬 😬




Competition Secretary

*cool* How many events for 2004?????? (It looks like 9) *cool*

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Curborough in under 66 secs would be nice, but beating previous personal bests at all venues is the target for this year.


Also, looking forward to the extra hill climb venues. Loton Park was for me the best event of last year, so so different to the sprint courses.


But most of all, looking forward to the camaraderie, the banter, the friends and everything else that makes up a club event, regardless of the results.




P.s. And off course, beating the pants off Kipper Jnr *wink* 😬 😳




Fun is not a straight line.

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I hope to keep improving with each event and beat my times of last year, subject to the weather of course. It would be nice to beat Guy, Colin and Mike who finished ahead of me last year in Class 2 but may be that is asking alot *eek*.


The most important bit is enjoying the Championship, the banter and the camaraderie. Thanks BB 2004 is already looking better than last year.


See you all at Lydden *thumbup*.


Mark D

Su77on Se7ens *cool*

Making plans for the 2004 Sprint Season


Edited by - Mark Durrant on 15 Jan 2004 12:04:55

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Don't get too worried everyone, I'm just making a few changes to try and keep up with the Rosslers, Heseltines, Perrys et al in Class 2.


Mind you, it does look a bit odd with the aerofoil at the front 😳 I must speak to my laywer and get him to have a word with Frank Williams *wink*




Fun is not a straight line.

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Well, I think I will just give the 7 an extra polish 😬 😬 to gain that slight edge - or it may only compensate for carrying the extra weight of the head restraint, getting older and fatter etc. So I hope all you other Class 2 warriors aren't rushing around doing excessive things to try and gain an unfair advantage!!

And yes that means you Mark - I don't know what it is yet, but I have my sources.

Like the rest of you though, what makes it so good is the company at the sprints and of course the fantastic organisation of BB.

I just hope I can improve on the times last year.

See you all at Lydden if not before. *wink*


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It depends what you mean by excessive 😬 but don't worry I have shelved the plans for the Nitrous *wink*. The car will hopefully be significantly lighter, including the driver 😳, the diets started and the exercise is to start next week *eek*.


Mark D

Su77on Se7ens *cool*

Making plans for the 2004 Sprint Season

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My target for the year is to try and keep my engine in one piece. Two rebuilds in 6 months is a tad too many. Although I had it running on Dec 31, I promptly found my newly repaired radiator is fractured. May be repaired FOC (god i hope so) or may need brand new one.


Being out of work again come end of March may stop me doing too many events ☹️ ☹️ ☹️


See you all soon,




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I think this will be the first year where my car will be heavier than in previous seasons, no more power either, and the driver is 10kg heavier than last year. Sounds like I am getting my excuses in early 😳. Head restraint should look nice and tidy though, as I have decided to do my own rather than the Caterham bolt on version


Edited by - Graham Perry on 21 Jan 2004 13:50:47

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