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IKEA knobs


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So there I was looking forward to two days off school. But no. Think IKEA. Think sale time. Think thousands of people thinking IKEA sale! First we(mrs owelly) had to choose which IKEA. Newcastle or Leeds. Both a couple of hours drive. So we set off for Leeds. We got there no probs. But it took us 30mins to get into the carpark. A further 20mins to get parked. Great. Obviously it was heaving with flange brains all droving through the store following the little arrows on the floor. Mrs owelly has to open EVERY door on EVERY piece of chipboard. After about two hours of bumping into people we reached the flatpack pick up point and picked up some flat packs that we needed (apparently). But they didnt have the right colour covers but they were getting a delivery in the night. My blood ran cold as I realised that we would have to return the following day. A Saturday. Bugger.

We returned the following morning and got the covers and some door handles for the kitchen. Unfortunately we (I) didnt get enough handles. I'm really happy to have to return to Leeds IKEA on my next day off to pick up £2 door handles. Great.

So if anyone happens to be passing the IKEA door handle section with a spare two quid, and wouldnt mind posting them to me I'd be saved from goin chipboard mad!!! *confused* *confused*


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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even a stupid american knows better than to go there during a sale 🙆🏻...or frankly any other time ☹️


owelly, shopping is wimmins work, especially there.


divorces have occurred for less...


order them for delivery via post *wink* and "loose the distributor lead" in your car mate 😬


....just trying to save your marriage 😬 😬 😬


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD


Edited by - Steve-B on 5 Jan 2004 06:16:27

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Gad - reminds me of my time in Dubai four/five years ago.


I had to furnish my entire flat from scratch - and frankly, the only 'quality' way of doing it was at IKEA.


I had all of the usual crowd issues - and failed A/C in the store. And of course, various bits (especially sale/offer bits) go out of stock...

...but Dubai is over 3.5k miles away from the UK, let alone Sweden/wherever, so delivery could take months (and no, they didn't operate an efficient - 'your bits have arrived' service *mad*)


And I built it all myself *eek* (and carried most of it home in my jeep).


Their service was pretty *mad* (except when they replaced - no questions asked - a glass display cabinet that I'd dropped carrying it in to my flat (it was 80kg *eek*) On the whole, the kit was OK - doubt if it would have lived up to kids though...


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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I sometimes wonder why I moved to Northern Ireland.........


It rains a lot

The sun rarely shines

The natives get a kick out of throwing petrol bombs at each other

The politicians don`t seeem that bothered about politics......just saying NO


Then I remember


We don`t have IKEA. I can wake up on a Sunday morning without the fear of being dragged off on a shopping run to Ikea, not necessarily to buy something but just to have a look........only to leave with bags upon bags of BARGAINS!


Have engine.......need car

I`ve seen the future.....and it`s powered by duratec

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Sympathy is all well and good but unless some masochist is goin to get off their greasey great hole and get me a pair of knobs, I'm goin to have to drive all the way to Leeds or Newcastle on my day off to get knobs *mad* *mad*


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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I'll make sure theres feck-all petrol int car! the walk will do her good! I'm only changing the knobs so she can't hang blummin carrier bags on them!!!! *confused*


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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I may be able to get your knobs on my way past.... Let me know what they are! Couldn't you use walnut buttons instead?




Jam. Just Jam, and a carrot.

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