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SV Race Series in UK 2005


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I'm looking into trying to gauge interest Caterham SV circuit racing into the 2005 Calender on a similar basis to the Roadsport A & B series. It's too late for 2004, but with sufficient serious interest we could be in with a good shout for getting this to be a reality for 2005. Those of you who might not be familiar with the series can look here... http://www.caterhamracing.com/championships/roadsportsA/index.htm


Caterham are currently developing a new generation SV which some of you may have seen in the December issue of Evo or Circuit Driver Magazine this is likely to be launched initially as a Euro-racing series only unless sufficient interest can be found in the UK. Depending on initial interest then I will be looking to formalise a campaign and very happy to get volunteers to the cause. Your feedback would be appreciated


SV Racing

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I have contemplating getting a Caterham for racing. If there were a race series open to the SV, I would be more inclined to go for it. The space in the standard Caterhams leaves a bit to be desired, but they are otherwise fantastic track cars.
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i guess the answer would be it depends ...a very shoot-from-the-hip couple of things me thinks about are:


1) there's some very fast SV's already around -- having to buy another would have a HIGH suckage factor IMHO


2) keeping in mind (1), with VHPD/R500 SV's already doing 750 class, is this TBD one design or open class


3) keeping in mind (1,2) is there enough requests to have another class


more will spring up in the coming days.


it would be great to talk to you in real-time, whoever you might be *thumbup*


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD

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Thanks for the posting:


Series would most definitely be a controlled series such as the Roadsport A series. There are plenty of other opportunities around that allow SV's to race today, but not on a level playing field. People could enter there car in these other series also to maximise there circuit experience.


Controlled series would be

a) standard spec car, sealed engine, std gearbox, etc, stripped down...

b) initial thoughts would be perhaps somewhere between 140-200bhp probably the lower end would be quick enough for most people, and cheaper as a starter formula.

c) Double header race format - keeps racing up and costs down

d) 6-7 races in a season

e) refer to roadsport series on www.caterhamracing.com for more examples, personally I think they have done an excellent job here.


Options for entrants could possibly be...

a) Purchase a car new from Caterham on a package basis a little like is done in the graduate series.

b) Conversion/registration of exisitng car to SV series again through a regulated source


Typical entrants I would guess to be slightly larger than a horse jockey ;) who may have raced before but equally could be there first year in. Definitely would prefer something aimed primarily at privateer.


Tons more thoughts on this but want to hear from you folks.


PS. These are my own thoughts at present and do not represent the stated policy of Caterham Cars or any particular racing club. (yet)




SV Racing

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SV Racer


Getting something like this off the ground without affilation to either Caterham or one of the already existing clubs running a championship will be hard work.


You will need extensive sponsorship in place for the championship as you will simply not cover the costs involved on entry fees alone (I suggest you have a chat with Graeme Smith, chair of the Graduates Racing Possee, he will be able to give you more guidance on costs of running a championship)


Have you put this idea past caterham?, remember their new race car is completely different to any current SV's and therfore if you base it on that car people will have to buy a new car which gives you no entry route into the championship as no second hand cars will be available.


You may also find difficulty finding places to race, most circuits are full these days and you may not get a great response when you are touting another Caterham series, after all there are currently something like 8 series already in place that are just for Cats.


Don't get me wrong its a good idea but I think without sponsorship or Caterhams support you may struggle, also do you have the relative experience to organise the events (it can take up a lot of time 😬)


Graeme Smith, where are you




Competition Secretary

*cool* How many events for 2004?????? (It looks like 9) *cool*

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SV Racing,


Just done a season with SEMSEC in my SV and had great fun so I'm certainly interested in any new chances to race although I guess my current car (R500 engine) might not be eligible for a Roadsport A type series. ( If anyone out there wants to race an SV in the South East in 2004 then SEMSEC offer some excellent mixed class races - an SV will probably be eligible to run in at least 3 of their series. )


Anyway I'm definitely interested so keep me on your mailing list..






No. 27 at the back of the grid, Reg R500 SVR

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It's great to see some early replies on this.


I definitely recognise that setting up and running a new series is no small time exercise. I suggest the objectives at this stage is to generate enough commited momentum behind this so that Caterham would get behind the series and for both parties to put pressure on the clubs to find another slot.


I have had some initial contact with Caterham and the clubs already, but it's VERY early days yet. My thoughts at this stage is that we need to demonstrate sufficient groundswell before further dialogue. If we can establish some real interest in this beyond the current series and give reason for the clubs to find another slot then I believe we can succeed. The last thing anyone wants is another half filled series that dies within 12 months of it's inception. Ultimately, I believe it will need firm comitiments (e.g. deposits to Caterham) later in the year to show this isn't a pipe dream. We're a long way off such ideas now, so I appreciate feedback from as many of you who may be interested in the interim. Racing in a single make series is serioulsy good fun and I really can't recommend this enough to people tp maximise the Caterham experience.


I ask people kindly not to pursue Caterham or the clubs at this very early stage.


PLease keep thee replies coming...


SV Racing

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Setting up a stand-alone series is a major headache, if not impossible with the new MSA rules (huge deposits, etc - though this may be only "pro" series). The MSA are in the process of closing down any series which can't regularly pull out 15+ cars. Perhaps the way to go is a class of an existing series. Its not completely inplausable that Graduates could have a SV class...



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I appreciate setting up a single make series is likely to be a major challenge, but if we can establish sufficient interest, I believe the dividends are very high. I would be grateful

for any support you can help provide.


Folks, I need your help to spread the word, not only to the current Caterham owners, but friends and colleagues who perhaps may be interested if an SV series wqas available. I will be happy to receive input to help develop the idea but we also need to build a list of people interested in joining.


One possible consideration is using the new car Caterham are currently developing with aerodynamic tweaks and inboard dampers as the basis o help launch this series in 2005. This should theorectivally be a quicker base than the existing car.


What are peoples thoughts on whether is is better to go with existing SV shape or new shape being developed by Caterham?


SV Racing


Edited by - SV Racing on 27 Dec 2003 01:05:02

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Any more people out there want to race SV's in a series? I've seen a number of listings where people are moving over to SV from the std car. Who know's if we could get enough interst maybe even a winter series in 2005 is possible?


More replies needed please.....


SV Racing

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