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A Crimbo Wish


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As I will be shutting up shop today for the duration of the break, just thought I would note down a few of my ramblings to round the year off.


1) A bit of soul cleansing here. I hope no B/Chatters took offence to my occasionally unorthodox sense of 'humour', especially young Kev who was often on the receiving end of said humour. In my defence, however, being Welsh he does leave himself open to it 😬 (oops, there I go again).


Actually, for those who don't know Kev, he is a 'Bloody nice bloke' and his wife does make cracking good bacon sarnies *thumbup*


2) I enjoyed 2003 for the most part and a few of the highlights, for me, were the following:-


Hearing son Ben had achieved the necessary grades to allow him to attend his chosen University and study that which he had his heart set on for so long. Well done my son. *thumbup*


Having my nearest & dearest actually enjoy the experience of travelling in the 7 all the way to Bordeaux. This was due, in no small part, to the not inconsiderable contributions of our fellow 'Bordeaux Blatters' some of whom are serial shedders here. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your splendid company and we both look forward to a repeat performance in the future. *thumbup*


Getting my 7 back on the road after its massive winter rebuild and upgrade. It has performed pretty much faultlessly since then so I am well pleased with the end result.


Being able to help other 7ers this year with their own upgrades/repairs & rebuild etc.......all very enjoyable stuff.


3) Hopes for 2004 🤔 Well apart from the usual personal wishes, I would dearly love to see a real breakthrough in finding an end to International terrorism and ridding the world of tyrannical despots but I guess that is too much to hope for.


Finally a VERY Merry Crimble to all Shedders and your loved ones etc, etc. and I hope to see you all again in the new year when I can start winding up Kev again. 😬






Zetec 209


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It's always nice to look back on a happy year *smile*


2003 saw my first wedding anniversary *smile*, my first attempt at sprinting and my first trackday *smile*. We had fun with the many friends we have met through the club and enjoyed numerous events, incuding the Bordeax Blat, Le Mans, Llandow weekend and the International/Cadwell to name but a few *smile*


Here's hoping for a peaceful Christmas and another happy year in 2004 😬




Brent - how are the veggies going 🤔 Give our love to Tricia and Ben

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worked 27 days straight in January. Got every pub in Ireland live on a new system for Guinness. Drank lots of beer.


took voluntary redundancy... immediatly went to New Zealand to rescue parents when stupid un-safe Kiwi boat trip resulted in my Dad having a broken hip. All Ok when I got there, so spent 10 days touring the north ireland and enjoying not working.


Got back... went to Dublin to watch Grand slam decider...After 2 months or not working decided i should look for a new job. after 1 week stopped looking as I had 2 offers.

June.. started new job, had some redundancy money left, so....



*cool* *cool* *cool*


Haven't looked back since (apart from love life glitch, where girlfriend has been replaced by SV and beer, though obviously not together...)

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Veggies all prepared ok on the Friday evening before our guests arrived so plenty of Brownie points there *thumbup*


I finally succumbed to alcohol induced unconsciousness around 2 am so by Saturday not too sure which hurt the most......my head or my sprained ankle 😬


Warmest regards to Mike and trust you both have a good one.




Zetec 209


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