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AAArrrgh, I've done an Andy Webber


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No not forgotten I have a big RED starter button but twisted my bl**ding ankle and it don't 'arf 'urt.


Was down in Trowbridge yesterday on part of my annual round of delivering Crimble cheer to clients. 'Twas a lovely bright crisp morn with a thick frost on the ground, I got out of the car stepped on a cobble and my foot promptly slipped and turned through 90 degrees in a direction it ain't meant to turn.


Ohhh the pain *thumbdown*, the agony of it ☹️ I had to sit in the car for 20 minutes to compose myself before hopping in to see the client whilst carrying 6 bottles going clank, clank, clank as I hopped and my left shoe only half on 'cos it wouldn't fit anymore.


Ankle now resembles an Aubergine coloured water melon *eek* so can I please be excused last day of school to go home and rest an ice pack on said ankle 🤔


Praise be to automatic transmissions *thumbup*




Zetec 209


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Now a photo of that would make an excellentt cover for Low Flying


Hope it gets better by Christmas - either that or you will have to sit in a chair and be waited on (hand and foot *wink*)


Just make sure the chair is in easy reach of the drinks cabinet and all will be well 😬





Not going to you know where with you know who in 2004 😬

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I'd be inclined to agree with Tricia *wink*... it's all part of a plan to get out of hanging up decorations,getting the big lumps of coal in, carying all the heavy bags from the final shopping spree, standing at the sink doing man's work peeling all the veggies...


Have you rigged up the tubes from the drinks cabinet yet 🤔


Don't forget the Arnica - it really does help *biggrin*


FH *cool*

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Myles, If I could do one of those clever link things, I would be able to show you who he is but suffice to say he did something similar whilst running out to the garage to fetch a bottle of wine.


He is a notorious member of the N.Hants & Berks gatherings.




Zetec 209


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The grim reality is that I shall still be expected to do it albeit whilst sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of water and surrounded by veg. ☹️


But, of course, I won't mind as my alcohol drip stand will be alongside me at all times giving me encouragement and soothing the excruciating pain I shall be feeling.


As I said to Tricia, last night, you women don't know how lucky you are when the worst you have to put up with is a bit of childbirth. That can only make your eyes water a bit compared to the pain I am suffering, quite manfully, at the moment. 😬


Pah she doesn't know what true pain is, at least not that which I am bearing ..............in silence of course I just don't like to make a fuss about this excrutiatingly awful pain but will simply soldier on as we men do *wink*


OHHH, ohhh, aaaarrrggghhh...........sorry about that, just another violent twinge from the ankle, but I won't talk about it.


BTW what is that name for people like me 🤔




Zetec 209


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Errr, thanks for the manly hug Tony...........shouldn't we start talking about rugby at times like this 🤔


Erm, just one question though.........how did you do your ankle in reading the paper, were you swinging from the chandelier, or something, at the time 🤔 😬


And a very merry Xmas to your good self as well.




Zetec 209



Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 19 Dec 2003 14:00:54

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BTW what is that name for people like me?






Swinger of lead?




Ahh, the list is endless *tongue*


Oh, BTW, remember to roll your sleeves up if you're sitting down to peel veg...otherwise the water drips all up your arm and you'll be whinging about that too *eek* *wink*


FH *cool*

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Whinge...moi 🤔 😬


Thank you for that top kitchen tip FH. I shall need the sleeve rolled up anyhow so as not to interfere with the drip. *thumbup*


Unless, of course, I faint from pain just as I am about to sit at the table in which case I can get out of the hideous task and attract much needed sympathy.


Sounds like a plan to me 😬 *thumbup*




Zetec 209



Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 19 Dec 2003 14:43:59

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My thingie is shaped like a turnip or am I thinking of Baldrick, yes that's right my thingie is shaped like Baldrick (this is odd in itself given that one of my late cats was called Baldrick)


Now get back to work and don't peel too deeply as all the goodness will be lost if you do




Supercheese R250

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