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So who has got a hangover then....Rachel?????


*cool* *cool* *cool*


Had a great time last night....Alex...thank you for the Curly Wurly....was used as rations on the way home....got home and crawled into bed at 1am.....not bad!!!




"Can Mr Birdwhistler report to the Headmaster's office - it has been reported that Miss Ballast suffered severe concussion from vast quantities of ICBP's landing on her head last night during dinner! Mr Birdwhistler should not come to the office with excuses as vast quantities of paper balls were found in Miss Ballast's handbag on the way home!!!" 😬 😬



I'm getting out of here *eek*.....Mr Birdwhistlers gonna' have the book thrown at him....probably a 3rd Year Chemistry Book....sorry Year 9 in new speak!! *tongue*






Caterham 21 1.8K 😬 😬

(R351 BMX...soon to be K8 XTC) 😬


Edited by - Ballast on 7 Dec 2003 11:40:44

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Right, I'm back home Had a super jolly good time *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* 😬 Thanks to everyone for being such good company and especially to Rach for arranging things, Moomin for accommodating me (and taking me for a blat in his lovely car), Alex for making coffee ... and to Paul for all the cutlery ... etc etc...


[whisper] Gosh, Moomin's place is ORFULLY tidy and orderly. Is it always like that? I found it all just a bit scary, you know... *wink* [/whisper]


😳 nothing...

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I know,I'll ask Moomin if he can provide tidying lessons, I think I've got more "stuff" lying about on my desk than Moomin has things out of place in his whole home. I feel very put to shame 😳


Thanks again to Rach, Alex & Mr Tidy 😬



PS now, when can I next fit in a turkey dinner ?

PPS Thanks to JaseB for allowing me to observe a hangover from the outside - teee heee 😬


Supercheese R250

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Good morning peeps (just got on in time) *thumbup*


Sorry didn't make the sheds bash - had to go visit the mummy monster up in Londinium. *tongue*


Great fun se7ening up the A3 with no hood 😬 blinkin cold around the nose area though ☹️


Wimped out coming home and put the Wussy-fing up! Damned hard work at minus zero, cold hood, cold car, cold hands, lots of fumbling (and a bit of sweary stuff too) *eek* But nice & warm & cosy driving back home *cool*


You can't measure safe driving in miles per hour (or kph if you're pedantic)

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