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If you had your time over what would you do


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Meldrew - how can you besmirch the noble profession????


If I had my time again I'd be an accountant again.


Oh all right, I lied.


Like Brent, I too wanted to be an airline pilot - I had my eyes on the left seat of an Aer Lingus Boeing 707-320C. Unfortunately, it was my eyes what let me down. The eyesight problem also scuppered my dream to be an astronaut. I would have liked to have been racing driver as well but I lost interest when they put wings on cars. Playing for Manchester City was also an option I considered but the fact that I was ****e at foorball hampered that particular ambition. I wasn't too bad in goals but as I stopped growing when I reached 5ft 6ins, even that route to Wembley stardom evaporated. Anyway, Man City went and got themselves relegated so it was just as well.

When I was VERY small there were loads of cowboy series on TV and I fancied myself as a cowboy. The fact that I never saw a horse until I was about 16 did not blunt my enthusiasm although by the time I was 16 all the cowboy series had been replaced by "Kojak" and "Columbo" and I didn't fancy shaving my head or wearing a scruffy mack.


So - THATS why I became an accountant.



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It's surprising how many people end up in a career without realising quite how, or why, you got there *confused*


Quite how I made the leap from Pilot wanabee to Engineer I'm not sure. Think it was my heart ruling my head with no regard to the future workload/prosperity ratio.


Ho hum.






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I was once introduced to a crowd of people at my ex`s work do, one of the women said "hello I`m Evette" to which I replied " how do I worm my dog", only to be meet with a blank stare.Well I thought it was funny


On the hill , not over it!!


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Of course I would be me all over again. And I don't blame you for wishing you could be me too. 😬


Well, I might change just a few little things. Given another chance I'd steer clear of that Goldilocks. She's nothing but trouble... And pigs in houses made of anything but straw or sticks...

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