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Silicone Hose Kits


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The silicon hoses can be removed and reused easier than rubber ones , they are lighter , and look fancy .


I dont think caterham do a complete set of hoses , just the 3 hoses for radiator > water rail , thermostat > T pipe and T pipe > radiator .


You can however get a 7 piece kit from demon tweeks ( samco I recall) .


Dunno about orange , but they do a red set at caterham .




Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*

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Be aware that with the kit from SAMCO (I ordered the 7 hose kit in black) the top radiator hose that they supplied to me originally was a different diameter at either end (the radiator end was too big to fit the ally radiator as supplied with the Superlight kit) Also the thermostat hose was a bu@@er to get on the housing.Ensure that you give the measurements for the top hose when ordering to make sure you get the right one since it could take another 6 weeks for them to make the right size up in your colour if it's wrong in the first instance.
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The K series thermostat housing is the original one as used in Rover installations etc so it still has the double lip for the O ring at the end where it would normally sleeve into a steel water pipe. However, in the caterham setup this lip is not required as the hose is made of rubber or silicone. The problem occurs when trying to push the hose on over this lip as it will distort the shape of the hose which in turn will eventually lead to splitting and failure. I noticed this early this year when changing the coolant so modified my housing by filing the double ring section down to the same level as the rest of the housing. The hose now slides over like any other fitment but without any distortion.


Phil S7 SVN

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