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lemsip please

scooby dooby doo

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Get some beechams flu strength caplets - they work well and are quite a strong formula.


If you are blocked up rather than bunged up then might I suggest figs or senakot??


Hope you feel better soon. *thumbup*


Edited by - mav on 28 Nov 2003 10:32:47

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Ahem! 's a waste of munny buying all these branded products *tongue*


A chemisty/dispensarying-type friend of mine many years ago said what you need is aspirin (or paracetemol) for the aches and pains, a decongestant (to clear the nasal passages), some hot water (to melt the hunny) (for soothing the throat) and alcohol (preferably whisky or brandy) to knock you out and let you have a good sleep)...


If you buy 4Flu/Lemsip/etc all you're doing is lining the pockets of the fatcat pharmaceutical bods and paying for the trips abroad they take to get rid of the profits 😳 *tongue* In her opinion, Lemsip and Beechams powders, effervescent or soluble tablets et al are a complete con. Ah well, the power of advertising *mad*


FH *cool*

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Lemsip -

active ingredients: 1000mg paracetemol (the pain-killing bit - cheaper as, well paracetemol tabs *tongue*

60mg pseudoephredine (the degongestant bit) - get own brand product from pharmacy

Added ingredients - the tasty almost-lemony stuff *tongue*


So, add real lemon to above + hunny and you have a tasty medicine at a lot less cost. If you don't like the taste of brandy or whisky, leave them out of your hot drink ( *idea*) drink something alcoholic separately *tongue* *wink*


Anyway, Hoops, I forgot my manners in previous posting (I just get so mad at people being conned by expensive prettily packaged stuff) *mad*


Hope you feel better soon. Please remember to sit facing forward on the starboard side of the train as you pass through Grantham - and look east if you feel a sneeze comin' on *eek*


FH *cool*


Edited by - FH on 28 Nov 2003 12:43:38

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I'm still getting over this d *mad*mn cold as well *thumbdown*


IMHO if you have 'just' a cold you should stay off the paracetemols, decongestants etc. Our GP told me that the reason you feel rough is because your body raises its temperature to fight the virus and if you take drugs they lower your temperature and the infection takes longer to clear up.


I once had a cold that dragged on for ages because I stayed on the Lemsip, as soon as I stopped takeing it I got a lot worse for a couple of days then got better


BTW I hope you feel better soon, theres a lot of this about at the moment *thumbdown*


Edited by - Nick Woods on 28 Nov 2003 13:58:55

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ah - right. I've never seen the decongestant on sale.


But I do like the lemony taste *confused*


Nick, its true that lemsip etc just treat symptoms. But the symptoms are what make you feel awful. So if you're not actually in any dnager then treating the symptoms may be better over all. depends really...


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R

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I've had a niggly feeling of general unwellness for a few weeks now - definitely an incipient cold coming on. Thing is, what to do about it. Do I


Option 1: Take off all my clothes, stand in the rain for an hour, and just get the damn cold going properly and kill it off; or

Option 2: Take a day off work, stay in bed drinking homemade Lemsip substitute and hope I get better?


Option 2 has the advantage of a day in bed, and Option 1 has the disadvantage of a probably criminal record... *wink*

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