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Is the bikesheds about to keel over?


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Didn't want to worry the Headmaster with this - but the "you last visited at **.** " bit is stuck at 14.somethingorother yesterday on my screen and when I go for a lurk, the threads are all lit up mauve like they're unread...

Is anyone else having this problem 🤔


I know there's been all sorts of bluster about in the last few days, but do you think we need to batten down the hatches? 😬 *eek* *wink*




Edited by - FH on 18 Nov 2003 11:07:11

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Miss FH,


according to the webthingyperson, the 'time you were last here' gizmo is only updated when you go to the forums home page, else it would reset everytime you viewed an individual forum. I understand from Mr whatsisname that he may be able to make it forum independent, but it will be a while coming. In the meantime, got to www.blatchat.com and then come through to the test area from there and see if that makes a difference.



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Ooh thank you Headmaster for taking the time to have a chat with Mr Whatsisname! Unfortunately, I've been round in circles *eek* doing what you suggested and entering via the Main Gates as well but the clock is still stuck *confused*


It's really not a problem, so please don't ask him to do any tweaking on my behalf. I'm sure he's very busy at the moment. It's easy enough to look at the times of the Last Post on the RHS of the page *biggrin*


Three Cheers for our Headmaster then folks *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


You can get back to caning the bad boys now *tongue*



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I think we ought to keep that hole open 😳 The more the merrier, as long as everyone plays nicely *biggrin*


Computer thingy all fixed now *thumbup* I had an extra lesson in the Headmaster's study and I had to do something with cookies *tongue* Believe it or not, biscuits have memories *eek* so next time you dunk one in your tea, remember that you may be hurting its toesies 😬


If you want a lotta choclot on your biscuit.... join OUR CLUB *cool*


FH *cool*

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Did you know that if you push a (a) Bunsen burner hose onto one of those water taps with lift out lids for the sink on your bench, you can fire a thin jet of water through it such that velocity (v) is sufficient to hit the balckboard (b) from the back bench?


And if you wait 'til the teacher says "gather round the front desk" for an experiment, then blow air back into one of the gas taps that run down the side of the lab, when the air reaches teacher's Bunny burner, it'll mess up the experiment.


I love weddings!





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You are quite correct in your observations *tongue*


It could have read "Is the bikeshed about to keel over?" or

"Are the bikesheds about to keel over?"


However, I preferred to write the topic title that way and see how long it took before someone spotted the delibrit mistayk



FH *cool*

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Init is a linux term *eek*


Innit - a contraction of "isn't it" which in itself is a contraction of "is not it" (or as we would say nowadays)... "Is it not?" I have not yet established when or indeed, how the correct terminology gained the extra "n". Maybe it's something to do with "X" and "M" and whether you "F" any - and if so, do they end up on the floor?


Blimey, I need a lie down *tongue*


FH *cool*

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