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keep the sheds together

scooby dooby doo

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Please can all shedders send me their preferred email address using the icon thing above *arrowup*


Then I can ensure that if a new shed every apears you'll all know where to go.


Can someone please remind Noger and Paul and NaPP as well 🤔


Please include your name, email address and shed name.



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Since meeting loads of Shedders at the Birkett I've visited the Shed often (and even replied once or twice), and it would be a great shame to see it burned down. The Shed's one of the few things that makes me *smile* when I'm at school...


Missing naPP and Noger (who ever you are!)


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Cor....splinter groups, hi-jacks, Y/N votes, bloody marvellous! Put me down. (on your list that is)

Reminds me of a Tommy Cooper joke...................


P.S. we're not going to have to wear combat fatigues are we?


Owner of *thumbup*The Wombat *thumbup*

membership number 10765

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Can we put our combats on anyway?!And then run around the woods at night making machine gun noises *thumbup*


Oh go awn, I would go by myself but I'm scared of the dark...


The Darkness on the other hand are a cracking band - f*** me I'm bored, can you tell?!

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Quiet day Jase 🤔 😬



Why do all good things have to come to an end 🤔 Surely we don't all need to run away yet - no one is suggesting that the test area be closed and as for the membership thing, well let's face it the GOGs are doing a fine job of battling out amongst themsleves. Can't we shedders retain our dignity....(OK so that's an odd concept for a bunch of complete loons running around in combat gear, having virtual blats with custard in their ears and a cherry on top 😳 but you know what I mean) - it ain't over till its over, the fat lady sings and the crowd have rushed the pitch. Let's see where public opinion takes us (that's not to say that contingency plans are a bad idea though - I'm on Hoopy's list *thumbup*)


In the meantime, keep wibbling, you know it makes sense





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There's a good chance that in 6 months time it'll be members only. We've also got a few people leaving in disgust. ☹️


I don't want to lose my friends in the test area so am taking precautions ☹️


My mummy gave me a very stern talk about precautions when I turned 16 so I'm being very careful *eek*



think happy thoughts though - it may not happen *smile*



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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The thing about the Bikesheds though, Hoopy, is that it's part of a forum. I'm a member of Cam, Sevens, Tour and the BEC lists but I don't contribute because I find myself deleting all email that arrives in my inbox en mass. Too much stuff I'm not really bothered about and not enough patience to dig in.


I've been looking at establishing my own webpage for a build diary and also free message boards. If worst comes to works then it's simple to set one of those up (although they're not a patch of Barry's creation and I'd really rather see the 'sheds stay here). The biggest problem is finding a service that allows the 'sheds freedom to carry on in their current state.


If you want to see what's possible, you've got my email *tongue*




Edited by - Peardrop on 17 Nov 2003 17:09:45

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I don't see why they can't sell some advertising space to pay for BC and be done with it, that and make it plain that the views are of the individuals and not the club and get proper contact details, ooh blimey did you read that, I was all sensible and everything for a whole sentence 😳


Think I'll go back to singing to myself, any requests?

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< dons a rainbow afro wig >


Jase, the problem is advertising detracts from the clean look of the site and Barry (understandably, IMHO) is reluctant to 'deface' the forums in that manner.


There are a few good suggestions for collection of accurate user details upstairs, but nothing is either one hundred percent guaranteed or without other detractions.


The one solution I can see is moderation, but for obvious reasons that I'm sure are behind Mr Site Manager's reluctance to follow this route even this isn't practical. Most difficult would be finding moderators who could strike a sensible balance between enforcing and ignoring 'infractions'.


The best piece of advice I can offer is to simply wait it out; always about this time of year people get antsy 'cos there's no more sun and they're tucking their polished Sevens away under blankets. I'm sure it'll cheer up again come January (or even Christmas). It did last year, the year before, the year before that ...




Edited by - Peardrop on 17 Nov 2003 17:24:09

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you've hit the nail on the head *idea* It's because they're all tucking their sevens away for the winter. I'm still blatting about in ours, aeroscreens and all and I look like this 😬 (well, I'm not green, and my teeth aren't that straight and I have lots of hair......OK I don't look like that, but I am a happy blatter 😬)


Jase - can we have "Raindrops keep falling on me 'ead" please *cool*



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Tam - me too! I'm still aeroscreening (albeit with a helmet)...


...it's all these wimpy fine-weather sailors *wink* They'd probably only run their cars on rolling roads, given the chance *tongue* *wink*




Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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