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V7 SLR for sale


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Well, I've made up my mind. I'm going to sell V7. If anyone's interested in a full spec Dec '99 SLR in Azure Blue, dry sump, less than 8000 miles, bit of paint damage on driver's side for 22K, let me know. Reg plate included.
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A tuurbocharged rotary will be a nightmare in a Seven as the sequential turbo operation is controlled by pneumatic logic (100 odd capilery pneumatic hoses, which loveto fall off).


Lousy torque (nothing under 4000 rpm) and even worse mpg (14 out of the std twin turbo I used to own irrespective of driving style)


Or are you considering a nortmally aspirated RX8 with 3 rotors. (the as yet unreleased version???)


At least in the 3rd Generation RX7's the engines last a little longer - mine did 65k mile before becoming less relaible than my Caterham......




Arnie Webb

The Fat Bloke blush.gif in a not so Slow Vauxhall wink.gif

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After reading all the tales of V7, I'll be sorry to see it go. Considered selling mine after we married and had our daughter, but the wife told me "don't you dare". Presume cos I go in the garage and leave her in peace? Cheers, Ed

ps If tonight has resulted in me being 6 numbers better off than last night, I might be calling you!

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Bugger. BARRY I DON'T LIKE THE CLEAR FIELDS BUTTON. I just lost a great answer to this. ****e..! Accidentally tabbed to it and... bugger.


Try again...


I'm looking at the Hurley Engineering (Coventry) triple rotor RX-7 motor, non-turbo'd. I saw one in Pip Gardner's place (can't remember his company name) in Cheshire a few years ago, and he had only twin webers, with one choke of one weber blanked off, feeding the engine. It was supposed to develop well over 300bhp. In fact I seem to remember him saying around 400bhp, but it was a long time ago. It was in a project car he was building for racing... a series 2 coupe in a fantastic brighy orange.


I guess all rotaries will have an ECU, but admit this is one area I don't much about. I will need a programmable one, and someone who can program it. All points to Pip again for advice.


I believe the RX-8 motor has higher compression, making it more efficient, and has the exhaust port further round, making it more emmissions friendly. There's a good article in a current car mag (can't remember which) where it's all explained. The RX-8 motor won't be available to hackers like me for a few years though, and then not at any price I can afford... back to the RX-7 motor.


I'm not sure I accept the comment about low torque at low revs. My ex's series 2 turbo was a monster pulling onto the motorway down the slip roads. Perhaps this is because you don't watch the rev counter so much on these engines, as they're so smooth. I'd regularly hit the rev limiter (think it was a shade over 8000rpm) without realising I was even close. If this is right, then I won't care about low revs torque, because I'll be "up there" already. The triple rotor engines run well over 9000rpm anyway. There'll be a goodly amount of driveability on tap I reckon.


And the comment about unreliability is one I've looked into carefully too. One of the modifications Hurley do is to machine wider seats and manufacture bigger tips out of superior materials than standard. This is supposed to make a significant difference. They have a web site, but I can't remember where it is. I seem to remember it was easy to guess.


Pip Garner's company has a web site too, but again I can't remember what it's called, so can't tell you the web address. I think I ran a search for his name and it came up pretty easily. Anyway, one of his listed specialities is the fitting of one of these engines into Se7ens (he mentions Westies) so my only outstanding questions are:


1. Can I mate a Hurley triple onto a Quaife 6 speed sequential?

2. What clutch?

3. Does a rotary need dry sumping?

4. Where can I find a STRONG but lighter diff with torque sensing guts?

5. ECU?


Questions, questions...

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Hi Nudge,


Been there, done that.


I have long thought that the "Clear Fields" button a waste of space 'cos you could always use the "back" button in the browser. Probably lose it in the next release.


Did you ever manage to get in touch with Jim Brooks? he's got a 13b in a Seven.


Last I heard he was in the East Anglia region (I think), maybe worth giving Dikko a shout, he'll probably know where he is.



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Wotcha Barry. Sorry about the rant. Didn't mean nothin'. wink.gif


Someone has just posted an enquiry to the Se7ens list about Rotaries, and Mike Bees replied saying this guy was once around, but has not been seen for a while. Dr Steph (Cartright) in Oz has sent me a couple of pic's of a rotor motor installed in a Se7en. It's bloody small... makes 4 bangers look incomprehensively large and heavy.


Mike says Jim's was unreliable, but Hurley's evolved "machinings" should help with a current installation.


Oh well, you don't know if you don't try. I just want the power, and lack of weight. Must diet one day..!

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Pips company is called WGT they're based in Northwich and they seem to specialise is rotary engines, they had loads of RX7's there when I was last in.


They were the chaps who sorted out my oil pressure problem in my zetec earlier on this year.

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Jims engine was a 13B its was an earlier version.


The 13B-REW used in the twin teurbo uses larger seals from more exotic materials and is much more relaible than the earlier 13B series 2 engine.


The lack of torque applies to the Twin Turbo - I did 40,000 miles in mine before swapping it for a Fiat Coupe 20V Turbo. In comparison the Fiat feels like it has the torque of a V8!


I believe Jim is a member of teh RX-7 owners club - try them at http://www.solarwinds.com/ukrx7/


Arnie Webb

The Fat Bloke blush.gif in a not so Slow Vauxhall wink.gif

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Oh and incidently I remember some nut in California took a Series 2 Seven, gutted it and fitted it with the running gear from a 3rd Gen RX-7 and a 600bhp triple rotor engine.


He once emailed me some pics (back in the "Compuserve's the bits" era)to verify its existance, but I can't seem to find them....


Oh well...


Arnie Webb

The Fat Bloke blush.gif in a not so Slow Vauxhall wink.gif

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Oh, if you ever find the pics, you know where I am. Cheers.


I've emailed WGT Autos and joined the UK based RX-7 mailing list. Things are a-moving. Apparently one of the guys on the Se7ens list has a Westie with pretty flat torque from 3000rpm to 8000rpm. All this with a twin rotor. I'm after a triple, and no turbo, so it'll have a higher compression which may increase low down torque.


To be honest I'm not that worried about the low end torque though IF the torque plot is as flat as I remember from 3000 or 4000 upwards.


Anyway, I still need to sell V7.... Anyone interested?

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No, you didn't did you. My apologies. Don't know why I thought you had said that. Maybe the "haven't seen him around for while" comment led my train of thoughts off the rails. It's that pesky Corner Guage Cracking problem.


Had a word with Pip at WGT Autos in Cheshire. He can fit me a triple rotary with a dry sump into any Caterham for a price that's less than my current engine alone. This with over 300bhp and a genuine Mazda triple to boot!

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I'll miss the V7 postings.


I have just recently got my SLR on the road and after my first trackday in it the other day, I am just starting down the suspension setup road and was wondering if you had any tips. I think the front setup is ok but I'm not happy with the rear. Have you any recommendations about the rear anti roll bar settings and rear tyre pressures you felt most comfortable with. Having owned and driven a couple of different Sevens I'm finding the SLR more raw and at the moment a bit less predictable. It maybe just a case of getting use to what is a very different car, but if you have any advice it would be gratefully received.


On another note, I have a friend who is actively looking at buying a Seven, and he has been keen on an SLR so I will contact him this evening. I pressume the car is still for sale?


Regards, Andy

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The car is still for sale, although I'm not flexible on the price. This is simply to allow me to buy the next car.


Rear suspension... The ARB should be on second softest and tyre pressures I run with 16psi at the back and 15.5 on the front. This is with the Caterham compound ACB10s. This give a lively rear end but it suits my driving style (everso slightly drifting through corners).


Ride height is something that was entirely arbitrary, although I did ensure both side were equal.


Using a method explained by Peter Carmichael (a couple of trolley jacks), I set the corner weights up to exert the same pressure on the ground at the front when I was in the driver's seat and half of my passenger was in the passenger seat. This means the car's close to OK with or without a passenger. As my passenger is only 8 stone, this doesn't seem to make much difference.

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Thanks for the advice. I was running my rears at 18psi so I will drop this down, before I do anything with the ARB.


I know my friend is considering afew options but I passed V7 SLR's details on so you never know. Anyway once again thanks for the advice and good luck with the new project.

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