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Arrgghhhh f^&$^^£^ig electrics

Nick Woods

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Time for a rant - take not notice I'm just letting off steam


I went for a blat with a friend last night. Halfway round (at Southwold) we stopped for a few mins to look at the sea and generally kick tyres etc. When I went back to my car the immobiliser would unlock as first although after a few panicky attempts it finally agreed to let me have my car back. (BTW its done this before and it has been fixed by soldering up a loose joint - the full story is here)


So we set off on our merry way and about 10 miles from home the headlights go off 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 - dead handy on an unlit road at 10:30 in the evening.


Guess what, this has happened before too and last time I replaced the relay and all the switches which seemed to cure it. I pushed the relay in a bit and they worked again but failed twice more on the way home. when I got home I sat in the drive with the engine off just flicking the dipswitch and eventually they lights failed again so I think its the switch again.


I went out the car this morning with the intention of taking the immobiliser off to check the repair that was done last time and it works ok now *confused* *confused*. i took it off anyway but the solder joints are solid *confused* *confused*


So I tried the lights and they work as well *confused* *confused*


I hate electrical problems, especially intermittent ones. *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* I guess I'll have to spend the weekend fiddling to try and figure out whats wrong with it


Rant over , i feel better already *thumbup*



Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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Oh, de eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eeye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eye-dilly eyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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