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Laurence Wilson

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My Mum can't find any ginger at Horsham Tescos (sorry for mentioning the evil word, Miss Mav. Herein it shall be referred to as T). Instead she's having to buy all the ginger that Shoreham T have (we like ginger *tongue*).


Mum thinks that someone at the Horsham T doesn't like ginger and so has in a vicous act of malice towards all who do like ginger, decided against ordering any of the crystallised goodness for the Christmas period *thumbdown*.


I feel I need to take action as a result of this injustice but I just don't know where to start *confused*


Anyways, time I left for school; they're loosening my jacket straps today *thumbup*.



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[soapbox] My ma & pa used to run a local greengrocer. When the horid T moved in down the road, they went bust VERY quickly (within a year).


Now my mum meets everyone in T and they all say that you don't know how good you got it until it's taken away.


My personal bugbear is that the milk always goes off quicker than the "use by" date, which suggests that either transportation or warehouse refrigeration is not up to scratch.


Their customer service desk should be renamed "we will ignore your requests" desk.[/soapbox]


*thumbdown* *arrowleft* *cool* 😬 *arrowright* *thumbup* Blue and Silver Sublime Vehicle Barbarella here

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T? T?? T???

You don't know how lucky you are!!

The only close stupormarket to us is Asda.

Which is fine if all you want to buy are tins of A brand baked beans, A brand stodgy white sliced bread, A brand baby food, A brand dog food, tins of Wife Beater and not poodle.

You also need to suffer the single mums with tattoos and three screaming rug rats in push chairs, Mr. W Vanman stocking up on tins of Wife Beater and the entire over 60's female population of Berkshire conducting WI meetings around every corner (it's a BLOODY supermarket NOT a VILLAGE HALL!!!).


The good news is that a M&S food shop has opened up opposite, this sells nice fresh veg and fruit, good wines, good bread etc.... and the girls at the checkout are actually civil enough to look at you and respond to questions, unlike A brand checkout staff.



Phew, that's better!


😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬


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I go to a proper Butcher for my meat; he also gives me Proper marrow bones for the doggies

I go to a Proper Grocer for my home smoked bacon, cheese, home roasted coffee, olives, dried fruits etc

I go to a Proper fishmonger who selects his fish from Grimsby Docks at 02.00 hrs and whizzes down to Melton Mowbray Market twice a week

I go to Belvoir Castle Estate Office to get a 25kg bag of spuddies for £2

I grow tomatoes, peppers, chillis and runner beanz (in season)

I get Proper eggies from my chikkinz - real yellow yolks and wunnerful taste

I make my own bread from locally grown wheat (a very useful way of getting rid of anger.. I think I knead some therapy after what an upstairs person said about someone very close to my heart)...

I make lemon curd, jams, chutneys, Christmas puddings...

I try to only buy the 'basics' from supermarkets



Downside is - the food tastes so much better that I now wear the evidence of over-indulgence 😳


FH *cool*

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Scene 1. Mrs N in Sainsburys, somewhere near Teddington.


Mrs N: I would like two racks of Lamb please

Butcher : Certainly

Mrs N : Could you French trim them for me

Butcher : Ha, Ha, what do you think this is, a butchers ?

Mrs N : Er, yes I did actually

Butcher :


Scene 2. Mr N in Safeway, somewhere near Dorking


Mr N: I would like two Red Snapper please

Fishmonger : Certainly

Mr N : And I would like them filleted

Fishmonger : Oh no, can't do that

Mr N : But it says on your sign "We can prepare your fish as your require"

Fishmonger : Too small you see, you want to grill it whole, blah, blah

Mr N : What you mean is, YOU can't do it

Fishmonger :


Yesterday I went to Safeway, T, and Waitrose on the hunt for Raddiccio. Nothing. Couldn't even get Fennel in S or T *mad* - 85 varietys of Oven Chip - yes, but not Fennel, ooh no.


Waitrose is ace though, although the Dorking one is too small to have the full range.


Would be lovely to have a fishmongers near by. But we have none. Brilliant butchers in Brockham though - I love they way they bring over the whole side of sirloin, and let you choose your bit, and how thick. And they do whole pork bellies and legs for my home-made hams and bacon *tongue* (sadly my ham went all horrid and maggotty during the v. hot weather - I loved that wee ham, months of curing and 6 months of waiting down the drain).


Although having a pigs leg, complete with trotter and tail, tunnel boned in front of you - whilst suffering from a hangover is not so pleasant.

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We don't have anything against T (except their attitude towards ginger).


Waitrose is best (but expensive)

Don't like Sainsburys (their milk always goes off too fast)

Safeway I don't like

Asda is evil


Still, we get eggs and most of our meat from farmers markets and the local butcher. We also grows a certain amount of veg during the summer months as well as stuff grown locally by others.


Used to live on a farm and regularly got pheasants fresh, for free. Wish we still did ☹️.




Edited by - Peardrop on 6 Nov 2003 17:09:04

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Local Somerfield is the closest but rubbish. Really should go to the decent Butchers and Fishmongers and Sausage Shop all in one Bath street but never around at weekends when I'd have the time ☹️


70541 miles and counting... but a broken wrist

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There's a half-decent fishmongers in Bookham. Bit of a trek for both of us, but better than the supermarkets.


Ripping butcher in East Horsley, too.


Personally I think Supermarkets are fine, but it depends on how good your local one is.

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