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Mornin' / Apocalypse then.

KevSull Too

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Bogies were like fireflies as Andy weaved through the tough undergrowth and Bentleys.



The old addage held true we're gonna do what we did in the last hour and the hour before that - we gonna hump up this hill in times of around 1.10.


Being on point is stressful looking for Mr Westie and those cleverly laid booby traps like oil and fuel on the track that can fling you bodily into the grass and take a wheel arch off as soon as look at you. Oh yes, our quarry was out there and ready for bear.


The call came Andy was heading for the Pitt - he'd done his tour of duty in the Nam. He was welcomed with open arms by the crew in the garage and on the wall...those brave men and women who take a stopwatch or spanner and stand on a wall and say nothing's gonna hurt you today, not on my watch.


James Wyatt was ready - it was time to dance....




Steve -

😬 😬

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James hit the trail. Man he was short, so short that if he jumped off a dime he'd a needed a parachute but that didn't stop him from giving it his all. Most shortimers know that if they're close to that seat on the golden bird back to the world not to put their necks out but not ol'Wyatt. He was gonna leave his cat at the end of this tour but he still went out there with a will.


His path crossed another squad's point man Campbell Mclory. James was wylie like a fox, he tucked in behind Mclory and let him break trail. Sometimes the best way to win a war is brains not brawn. It meant he didn't need to suck so much on that canteen - Your M-7 can drink fuel by the gallon in the jungle. Thirst is a killer.


90 minutes later James sailed homeward the shedders radio calls briefly filling the net. Careless talk can cost places.


That left our awfully big Marine Andy to bring us home. We could almost taste the beer in the O club, waiting for us grunts....but then disaster...the heavens opened...just another day in the NAM.....




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Man it was wet, too damn wet - when it rains in country, it rains so hard you can't breath.


With just dry weather gear Andy's 🙆🏻 was in a sling. All eyes turned to GTD whose jungle boots had more than enough grip for the tropical conditions. Would he need to go out?


Lt Gerard turned to Geoff who was unsure about going back out there - "I love the smell of Optimax in the morning and if I say this jungle is safe to race, this jungle is safe to race."


Lesser operators were falling by the wayside - a TVR and Radical both diving for cover. All seen and radioed in by the sheds eagled eye spotters. But Andy pressed on his mission within his grasp. Against seemingly impossible odds he left the trail to take a wider path and avoid the slower moving enemy...his motto walk softly and carry a well race prepped M-7.


And then peace was declared....war weary warriors walked back to the LZ, secure in the knowledhe they'd done their time in the Nam and stood shoulder to shoulder with fellow shedders against the odds.


When I look back and my children ask me what I did in the NAM. I'll say I shivered and ate with the best, I saw bravery and comradeship, courage and humility. We came, we saw, we got the t-shirt.


As we left in our gunships, the gentle whump, whump of the cross flow, I knew the call of the NAM would bring me back one day.


The End

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