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Which sci-fi character are you?

KevSull Too

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Tam and KS - Polymorph was the one where a morphing alien got on the ship (like a latex low budget version of the alien) and set about extracting the negative emotions from the crew - Cat's vanity, Kryten's guilt, Rimmer's anger and Lister's fear. I nearly dampened me gusset. The blob could indeed morph into anything it fancied but I don't think Kochanski put in an appearance, unless I blinked at that point *confused*


Can't remember Psirens, but expect I'd know it if I saw it.


I could quite happily watch repeats of that show 24/7 😬



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There were two Polymorph epsisodes...


Polymorph (Series III - with the most pant wettingly funny scene as Kryten tries to take off listers boxers ... which are in fact the polymorph) and Polymorph II : Emohawk (Series 6 : in which Lister gets married to Ainsley Harriotts GELF Kinetowowi daughter).


Suspect it was the former. First appearance of Duane Dibley, one of THE great RD episodes.


There was no appearance of Kochanski, of that I am certain.


Psirens had Anita Dobson, and Kochanski, and of course Peter Tranters sister *smile*


(I will get my anorak)

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I am Captain James T. Kirk

[in background...unamed engineering officer dies]


and apparently PP is Kosh...always thought he was a bit strange...


"Understanding is a three edged sword. Your side, their side, and the truth."


...yeh....and don't you forget that....weirdo... *confused* *confused*



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I think it might be like those weird pictures that you have to stare at ... I can't see a wizard at all ☹️


On the Sci-Fic front ... watched an episode of something called Andromeda on C4 yesterday. Quite fun it was too. Amazing to think that effects like that cost like a million pounds when Star Wars came out.


Edited by - Noger on 28 Oct 2003 09:41:46

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Noger - it was the former, with the boxer shorts removal scene.


Didn't know there were two Polymorph episiodes - obviously a mere amateur at the anorak game, me. Not sure whether to be sad or glad about that *confused*


I'll get me anorak, bottle-end glasses, notebook and sensible shoes.


Richard (still an Internal Server Error)

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