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Went out for a damp blat earlier which was mucho fun *thumbup* there is something most entertaining about getting wrapped up in the waterproofs and helmet and and blatting around trying not to use much throttle (due to the simple triumph of power over grip!).


Anyway, as I was mimbling along behind a horse truck, in a 40 limit, some pigeons which were dossing about in the road flew up, being generally flappy in all directions like what pigeons do. Before I'd had time to blink I was suddenly aware that a pidge and my head were on collision course *eek* Said pidge was looming very large in my vision, and instinctively I ducked as best as I could. I didn't hear it hit my helmet, but I recognised the twang of the roll bar just behind my left ear.

I cranked my head round to see if it was dangling from the roll bar or sitting on the boot, but I couldn't see it. Pulled over and walked back down the road, no sign... so if you're reading Pete, I hope you're ok, and not too broken, or missing the feathers you left attached to my car.


Hmmm, wouldn't fancy the 50mph impact of pidge and head had I not ducked and not been helmetted...


Best wishes Pete, and hello shed [ wave ]





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Once upon a time, as a student at LImp, we came across a stricken pigeon (broken leg).


Being as we were based at Beit (with the SU), we decided to carry it back and drop a 10 foot gas cannister on its head.


And then decided that was too much pain for the pigeon and hassle.


So (being embassy coountry), I tilted back a 2ft cube concrete block, flatmate popped the pigeon underneath, and I created an instant pigeon-fritter (and covered flatmates feet in goo...)


So there you have it...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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  • 1 month later...

oh dear, I seem to have a morbid attraction for pigeons.

one has just flown full pelt into a window here in the office.

it then slumped down onto the roof below with a very broken neck, twitched a bit, stuck a wing out, opened his eyes, and now appears to have kharked it.

poor pidge, what a way to go.

he's left an impressive mark on the window.





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This is how a Seagull got wedged in my old Vectra acouple of years ago ☹️




Last Months Sheep incident (bits of liver / stomach etc all over the windcreen / wool everywhere / acheing shoulders and head ever since) was emuch worse ☹️


They were wrong to let livestock watch 'American Werewolf...'


I'd have been OK if the sheep had not listened to the advice to 'Stick 't 't 'roads, 'n stay of 't moors *thumbdown*






Look it's Mavis here and Jubilee 7 here

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