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Spottered- Birkett update


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I'd just like to add my belated tuppence-worth *biggrin*

It was definitely worth getting up at half past five, drive in the freezin' cold, stand on the pit wall for a lot of the time... in the freeezin' cold... drive home in the dark and rain and wind and freezin' cold ...and with no main beam 😳 (don't ask)...


...all to to be part of a truly memorable day *thumbup*


So, just to add my thanks to the Arkley Boys and Girls for being a great team and making us feel so welcome; the food and drink (ooh, and t-shirt were all greatly appreciated; Pat, you have restored my faith in the youth of today *wink* your children are a credit to you both *biggrin* Also thanks to SteveB for being a verry gentil parfait knight and putting my hood up for me when my hands were otherwise occupied with pit boards and radios 'n' stuff.


And for the curious, Miss Mav was in the very capable hands of Mr FH for the day *tongue* and by all accounts they had a jolly good time together *eek* 😬 *wink*


It was fantastic to meet so many Shedders - and to put names and faces together. *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* Thanks as well to Lee for the choccy prize *smile*


I believe Gerard has put in a request for us all to go to somewhere in Germany for our next foray 😬


Big kisses

FH *cool* (now you all know why my sig has a *cool* in it) *tongue*



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Napp & the Arkley Boys *thumbup* *thumbup* Thanks for a fantastic Day


Mrs napP thank you for the fantastic work you did keeping us all very well fed and watered ALL day.


I'd be up for the trip to Germany 🤔 to help out.


Steve - I'll drive your car anytime *tongue*


I'm a little worried about how much fun Mr FH and Miss Mav had.


Myles - 9 is Rosie ? who is related somehow to James (25). 18 + 19 are the two Angie's I think. 21 was Dale? and I do not have a clue who 16 is.



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I knew I forgot something!


3 is Elizabeth (Lee's better half)

9 is Rosie, wife of driver James [no. 25]

13 is Suzie [occasional assistant of Gerard]

16 is brother of Angie [no. 19]

18 is Angie, other half of driver Andy [no. 2]

19 is Angie, wife of driver Geoff [no. 1]


21 is Dale [another assistant of Gerard]

22 is me *wink*

23 is Siobhán [my daughter *cool*]

24 is Pat [my son *cool*]

25 is James

Mrs Pat is behind the camera *wink*


I think that's everyone.


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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Me, me, me - can I come again!


If you are doing another run of t-shirts. I'll have another large one please.


I have some video of the cars - certainly got Pat but I think I need some coaching on holding it steady.


Gerard is cool in my book, even more so if that was his Land Rover at the back of the garage.

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Yep, that was indeed Gerard's Landy behind the garage *thumbup*.


Myles, sorry that you weren't in the photo either 😳 ☹️


Although the good news is that Mrs Pat did indeed get photos of Tam, MrC, Myles, Jase and Steve-B (and lots of others) *thumbup*


I will try to use my free webspace for the first time and post the photos on there later this week - alternatively, Myles or Alex, do you fancy putting them on there?


In any event, I will email appropriate photos to all concerned *cool*


And finally, Gerard was suggesting we should do the Nurburgring next 😳 *eek* 😳 *eek* 😳 *eek*


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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bit late but have to add my thanks, along with everyone else, to naPP and the Arkley Boys. *thumbup* *thumbup*

a most enjoyable day and I was very impressed with the consistent lap times being put in.

the selection of vehicles on display was a treat, although Myles can vouch for the fact that even the stupidly noisy ones weren't enough to stop me from starting to doze after lunch - must have been the 0430 start *eek*


can I put my name down for the "somewhere in Germany" race please 🤔 😬


good to see a good turn out from the Sheds, and a few new faces put to names. *cool*


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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16 is Stewart - my brother in law who did sterling work on the pit wall, not least by managing to load even more coats and fleeces onto (my) Angie as she froze to the stopwatch and clipboard!




Thanks everyone - it was a great day out, and the team was even greater! I don't know which of the spotters it was who got the message back that I was coming in after 65 minutes, enabling us to get Andy out without losing time - but a special thanks!


Recollections of the race:


*eek* Horror at my o/s wing mirror suddenly pointing at the ground after ten minutes. I don't think I have ever concentrated so hard as I had to for the next 55 minutes in trying to spot the fast things taking me from behind (ooh err!)


*eek* Seeing the slower stuff queuing up to spread oil on the track in front of me!


*smile* Drifting just onto the grass on the exit of Copse corner and holding my breath until I got back onto the tarmac!


*eek* Breathing in to make the car shrink as I was overtaken on both sides by a pair of Radicals


*biggrin* Finally seeing the TR6 that had held me up disappear behind me when I got some clear air between!


*eek* That big green Bentley with the driver sitting way up in the air compared to our little 7's, spinning on the grass at Maggotts


A great end to the season - thanks to everyone who made it possible!





G 4 Geoff

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Morning shedders 😬 Urgent ironing and a 6 year olds birthday party meant I didn't get a chance to log on yesterday ☹️


I will add mine and Mr C's thanks for a great day out *thumbup* 😬 It was great to put names to faces, although it is a bit odd going up to someone you have never met face to face and saying "hi Windy I'm Tam" *wink*


The Arkley boys done good and it was a great specatator event as well as being a good excuse to spend the day with a lovely bunch of people *wink*


NaPP & Mrs NaPP - I would have kidnapped Siobhan if she'd fitted in the seven - she's a very sweet little girl *wink* Sorry we missed the group photo but glad to hear our mugshots were taken by the happy snapper, Mrs NaPP *thumbup*


Even the very very wet drive home (with aeros 😳) didn't dampen our spirits.



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I'm starting to miss those small chocolate muffin cakes - they were fab.


Thanks Rach for keeping us Spotters under control and bringing us in now and again for heat.


GTD - Saw the drift at Copse - very impressive *thumbup*

We were much relivied when you got it on the straight and narrow.


It was brilliant to watch the various battles going on - especially our last driver in the wet


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And as the last 'guard' of the day sitting in the car for an hour in case Andy came in, can I add my heartfelt thanks to him for staying out there in the rain - the thought of going out on cold tyres and a full tank of Shell's finest for the last 20 minutes was not my preferred way to finish the season!


Eating those little chocolate cakes was sa far better way to do that! *thumbup*


G 4 Geoff

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I know it's all been said already, but I shall add my thanks anyway.


To Pat, Geoff, Andy and James - for keeping my job easy by staying on the black stuff and to all the spotters who made me look really good to Gerard. Thanks Mrs Pat for the food, I wouldn't have made it through the day otherwise.


I thoroughly enjoyed myself and can't wait to have another go!




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Late posting but WTH. I was there mooching about in garages 1 & 2 with the bike engined mob.


Comment about the Bentley above - when I was poking around the other garages snapping a few pics I stopped in the with the Bentley's and was chatting to one of the owners. He said "seems slow out there what with all those bl00dy caterhams buzzing 'round me" *smile*

I was quite chuffed though as he let me sit in the old girl and fantasise about what car I might own when my hair has turned grey 😬





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Calling all Birkett shedders,


Thanks from V7-Arkley Boys.


You did us proud, you guys alone got us 3-4 places up the grid, Next time, we will use your talents, to greater advantage.


My only reservation is how do I keep your expertise a secret from my rivals, but having seen Rach. in full flow, taking info from a radio and mobile whilst being questioned by at least three people all at once, she will keep you all in line!


All the winter training in your cars has made you a hardy bunch.


V7 has put some photos on the website www.virtual7.co.uk - you might want to take a peek


Thanks again. I would have liked to have spent more time getting to know you all, can I come to your Xmas bash?







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Gerard - Any man who drives a Land Rover like yours can come to a Xmas meal *tongue* 😬


Really glad we could help - Ithink we all enjoyed the day and the proffesionalism of you guys. Thanks for the invite and if you need anymore help I am sure there will be volunteers from here again.




I am still boring my wife, friends, workmates, the dog about the whole day *thumbup*

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