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Spottered- Birkett update


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Well done to the Arkley Boys,

Geoff, Andy, James and Pat *smile*

Some great drives from many teams not just our boys, but, 4th in class and 12th overall was very creditable. Some of the most consistent driving I've seen with concentration held for over an hour in all cases.

Hours of fun (literally) for us shedders doing the spotting *thumbup*



Red and Black 1.8K

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Good morning.... *smile*


Just woken up....PP is downstairs making a cup of tea....well trained isn't he!! *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


Had a great day yesterday...we both really enjoyed it.... 😬 thought "The Boys" put in an excellent show..and there were some fantastic cars there all giving 110%..... the AC Ace team and the Bentley team were my particular faves.....


PP now wants a go....how much is an ARDS test??? *confused* *confused* *eek* *eek*




Edited by - Ballast on 26 Oct 2003 09:34:23

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Got up this morning and proudly put on my t-shirt to show Mrs B


It was a brilliant day out and I enjoyed every minute.


The racing was fantastic and the Arkley Boys were giving it their all with some great performances in the wet and at Copse when there was oil on the track. How our guys and the other teams lapped consistantly for that amount of time in a car with so much traffic was very impressive.


Great pic, great day....when can we do it all again


*thumbup* 🤔 😬


PS That is Mav in the 'the hat' *thumbup*


ALex/ Rach did you see us on the A1 - we were waving as you went down the slip raod for Cambridge.

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Thanks Guys for all your help yesterday glad you all enjoyed it, cant wait for next years Birkett (already in diary) must say that this weekend was the most fun i have had at a circuit for a long time. Anyway Im off to rub in some deep heat into my arms they're really stiff !! *cool* 😬 😬 *thumbup*
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I must have b*ggered off just before the pic *mad* Ho well...


Yep, twas fun.


Bit of a moment on the way home though (not me, I hasten to add) - we got the 60, 40, 40 temp speed signs on the (wet) M40 - so I slowed down in the 1st lane and kept a good distance from the landie (whimper, whine...) ahead. Finally caught up with the rubber-neck queues - but the landie driver was evidently dozing, locked up at the last minute, *just* managed to miss the small (scared) tintop in front and then drove up the embankment and nearly rolled it...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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i must say it was a privledge and an honor to have served with such a great group(SHEDDERS ROCK) and support 4 very capable drivers. you 4 kept the times very consistent and i and others i spoke with were amazed with the performance that you showed.


you made the sheds PROUD *thumbup* *thumbup* *wink*



PS> very bummed i had to make a move to get back to London and am not in the picture as well ☹️

Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE


Edited by - Steve-B on 26 Oct 2003 14:08:10

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Hate to see a double post go to waste ......


Haven't really said thanks to anyone but as Noger said below ... a HUGE thanks to Mrs naPP for the food and drink. It was good to finally put so many shedders names and faces together too. I always wondered what Rachael looked like 😬

A big *thumbup* naPP for getting so many shedders in the same place at the same time and thanks for inviting us along *cool* ... Hurrah


Toodle Pip



Edited by - abirtwisle on 26 Oct 2003 17:15:28

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I'm still confused as to which of you is Windy and which Noger - I'm guessing windy is the chap standing behind Boonies right shoulder in the group shot...


I've indexed the image and placed it on my site with my best guesses of who's-who. Can anyone correct the errors?




Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Oi *mad* I am unforgettable *tongue* *smile* ... but am 17.


7 is FH and not Miss Mav ... she weren't even there *confused*


20 is Gerard ... who is team boss and v.important (plus a damn decent chap too *smile*)


26 is abirtwisle (aka Mr Rach) *smile*


You are right about (na)PP's offspring (THE most patient children I think I have ever met ... at that age I would have been chewing off my own hands after 10 minutes of sitting around). Pat and Siobhan.


Think we are missing JaseB and friend too.


Edited by - Noger on 26 Oct 2003 18:15:17

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Evening all! Just getting to my PC now *wink*


First, many thanks to everyone for their help and company yesterday. I had the most wonderful time, and have lots of fantastic memories of the day. The driving itself was magical - mixing it with newer cars (such as Radicals, Mallocks, and Caterhams) together with older cars (Morris Minors, pre-war Astons, Bentleys, Lotus 7s *wink*, etc), the sound of an incredibly noisy Chevron roaring past, the noise echoing in the helmet for ages, starting the race with 40 other cars *eek* *eek* *eek*, sliding around on the fuel dropped at Copse, staying out for 90 minutes - I could go on, but you get the gist *cool*.


However, just as good was the chance to meet so many of the Shedders - all of the drivers are really grateful to you all for your help. Without everyone, we could not have done as well as we did. The big boss (Gerard, looks tough but soft really *wink*) is sorry he didn't get a chance to speak to people too much, so he is going to try to come to one of the Sheds Christmas Do's *thumbup*.


It would be foolish to try to pick people out for special mentions - but this is the Sheds, so here goes *wink*


Lee and Elizabeth for transporting the bevvies to the track, and staying out spotting for 4 hours solid *eek* before feeling the need to return briefly to the pits, Boonie for the comics (including Beano *thumbup*) and reflective strips for the kids and sweets for me 😬 [Pat already misses his Uncle Boonie *smile*, Siobhán was at one stage running around with 9 reflective bands fixed onto her 😳], Fullharness for braving both the ferocious cold on the pit wall and new technology *tongue*, Mav for his pit skills, company while I sat in the car 'on guard' for ages, and his hat *thumbup*, Dave Windy Jase Tam Myles Ballast and Powderpuff for fearless spotting all day (with good calls all day *thumbup*), MrC for making it look like we had a professional photographer in the team, Rach for perfect co-ordination of spotters without a 'pitstop' all day 😳, Alex for taking Pat to see some racing and magic piccies (by the way, Mrs Pat is behind the camera for the group picture, that's why she's not in it) - both Alex and Rach managing with just 3 hours' sleep the previous evening *eek* 😳, Russell for keeping Rach company during her marathon stint, Noger for dishing out the tickets patiently in the morning, Steve-B for his extraordinary ability with his hands (you know what I mean Steve *thumbup*). Phew! So who have I missed 😳 😳 😳


I hope everyone likes the t-shirts. If you didn't manage to take one before you left, let me know, there will be a sweep-up print this week (for the drivers, etc), so it's not too late. There are also a few of the orange caps left, but they seem strangely to be a little less popular *tongue*


Steve, Tam, MrC and Jase, I'm sorry you are not in the photo ☹️. It was only thought of at the last minute while we were waiting on the result, when I think you had gone by then. Mrs Pat took quite a few photos towards the end, if I can find any of you I will try to morph you in *wink*.


Finally (until I think of something I've forgotten), I hope you all enjoyed the day (I notice that no-one has yet replied to Noger's suggestion about next year *tongue* - not surprising given how cold it was *eek*). Myself and the other drivers certainly did - thanks again *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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