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Today is a Very Sad Day


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Time: 15.45ish

Place: In the sky


Sobs ...

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☹️Concorde's Last commercial flight ☹️

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Edited by - fullharness on 24 Oct 2003 10:22:13

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It is indeed ☹️ I will be heaading to the office cafe at 1540 hours to watch on TV ☹️ (too far from here, although Mr C might well see it as it swoops down over his office)


They are expecting huge number to gather at LHR so if you're planning to travel any where near the M4 / M25 this pm, don't do it

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a friend of ours is a check in person at heathrow, and is leaving NOW for her job to start 1400 due to the complete and utter chaos already well in effect there.


BBC-2 is to carry the takeoff from JFK at 1200ish


go here to watch live BBC coverage


Concorde's Final Bow

Fri 24 Oct, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm 60mins


Jon Sopel presents live coverage from London and New York as Concorde makes its final flight. With Reporters in place at Heathrow's control tower, in the maintenance area, and along the airport's perimeter to capture the images and the mood as an era of supersonic flight draws to a close.




Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE


Edited by - Steve-B on 24 Oct 2003 11:59:40

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I totally agree that it is sad, but the sad thing is that (at present) it appears Concorde is not going to be kept flying. Mothballing them to static displays in museums is wrong. I am with Mr Branson, who has given up wanting to fly them commercially, but wants them to go back to Filton and be kept flying for airshows etc. This makes sense, letting them rot does not.


I am not all that sad that its commercial life is ending - the arguments I am aware of for this appear fairly justified. Ecologically and financially it doesn't make alot of sense to keep flying for low passenger numbers. Sure I'd like to see it keep going, but if it's under-utilised, it's under-utilised, simple economic supply and demand.


Don't get me wrong. I'd love to have a go, but that's not going to happen. However I would be happy enough just to be able to watch it come and go, make noise, cruise around, etc. Maybe from a small field just off the A505 near the Imperial War Museum? Imagine that...





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Moom, I put the word "commercial" in the posting deliberately, so the pedants didn't have a pop at me. If I'd put "Concorde's Last Flight", some smart 🙆🏻 would have said that they somehow need to be transported to wherever they'll end up and flying seems a sensible mode of effecting the move *wink*


I'm the eternal optimist *eek* Maybe, just maybe - Branson's suggestions will bear fruit and future generations will see her flying at air displays or on national 'special occasions'


*confused*If BA bought Concorde for two quid, why couldn't they sell it to a consortium of Concorde Enthusiasts for a similar amount? *confused* Whatever one's personal views on Branson and his various enterprises/mode of operation, one has to give him credit for at least trying *tongue* which is more than can be said of the Great British Public... "ooh, I'm sad. Terrible day, etc etc. Now where's me pint? And who's goin' te win the gayme on Sa'urday?"


The skies around here have been very very busy for the last few days. Do you think there's an escort being planned for the arrival this afternoon?



FH *cool*




Edited by - fullharness on 24 Oct 2003 13:01:43

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Concorde has to be THE most beautiful aircraft ever built and I feel very sad that it is disappearing from our skies. ☹️


I remember doing a job at Filton around 1970ish and watching in awe as the plane was being built.


Most summer evenings we could see (or hear 😬) Concorde as she flew oh so gracefully high above our house around 7.30 or so.


As Jeremy Clarkson said in last Sundays Times, "A great leap backwards"


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I agree that it is a fantastic aircraft - but I am also realistic about it, let's have some perspective here.

It was designed and built in the 60s, and I guess it hasn't moved on an awful lot since then (though I am sure there have been updates to it where necessary). If people aren't using it then it shouldn't be flying - in that sense it is the right decision.


I will be very sad if this really is the last time we see it flying, I guess I am optimistic that it won't be and some sort of sense will prevail.

Like FH, I just hope that it will be kept flying for 'highdays and holidays'. Seems Rod Eddington (BA CEO) might just be coming round to the idea: "Mr Eddington said a decision would be made in the next few weeks about whether a "heritage plane" would be kept flying."





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OK, I accept that I'm a sentimental old fool but I'm just so-o-o-o glad that we flew Concorde a few years' ago. Front row seats with all the instrument readouts right in front of our noses 😳 and a superb view of the flight deck for the whole trip, except for the take-off and landing *thumbup*


Moomin, you're a young whippersnapper *wink*


Let the oldies have a moment of nostalgia please *tongue*


FH *cool*

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Glad we saw her at Manchester on Wednesday


I have seen her many times coming in and out of Manchester and Liverpool (on grand national day). There was nothing quite like watching her from Helsby Hill cruise down over the Mersey and drop into Liverpool airport ... and the roar of reverse thrust as they tried to stop her before plopping into the water *thumbup* eeee-by-'eck them were the days





1.8K Viper Blue and Black


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FH, I wish I was old enough to be more nostalgic about it - would have loved to been around when it was born. Don't get me wrong, I love the thing, and am just as much of a sentimental old fool, I'm just being realistic about it (comercially). Would LOVE to have a go in it, am jealous of you on that one! If they don't keep one flying I'll be really *mad* ☹️ *mad* ☹️ *mad* ☹️





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  • Area Representative

Got back from a site visit just before 4 and the whole company were in the car park, staring skyward. Saw all three pass directly overhead (the posh side of Deptford Creek). *smile* but ultimately ☹️


Richard []=*(#7#)*=[] b-r-a-a-a-a-r-p!


Visit the North Kent Area here


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