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Friends Roman Shedders (aka The Birkett) - update no 6

not a Postman Pat

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Afternoon all *wink*


This will probably be the final update, as we will be at the track testing tomorrow.


The main thing left to cover is tickets.


Tomorrow afternoon, I will get hold of tickets for everyone. I therefore have the slight problem of how I get them to everyone. Although we will ask the guys at the gate if they will hand them out to anyone who says they are from the Bikesheds, they may be too busy to do that. My alternative proposal is therefore as follows:


1. The first person to arrive calls me on my mobile (everyone should have my number).

2. I will meet you at the gate, envelope full of tickets in hand.

3. That person waits at the gate for the next person to arrive.

4. The next person, once they have received their ticket, then stands guard for the next person.

5. and so on, and so on ....


There would only seem to be 2 possible problems with that:


A. How does the 'waiter' know when the next person arrives? It will therefore need some signal to be given - announcing "I am from the Bikesheds, who has my ticket?" loudly, carrying a piece of paper with the word "Bikesheds" on it, or something similar. If the worst comes to the worst, call me and I can sort it out.


B. What does the last person (who may not know they are the last person) do *eek*? The best bet may be to say that, at 08.20 or so, the 'waiter' goes to the garage. We can then made individual trips for any 'stragglers'.


Does that sound OK to everyone? Are there any fatal flaws that I have missed?


OK, that seems to be it. Subject to any questions/fatal flaws/etc, see you all on Saturday (and maybe one or two tomorrow *wink*).


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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Good luck all *thumbup*


Turns out I'm (running) racing in Birmingham after all even with my broken wrist - could be interesting and might get a photo in the athletics press 😬


Is it being televised at all 🤔 It sounds like the sort of event that turns up on MotorsTV...


70443 miles and counting... but a broken wrist


Edited by - ewenm on 23 Oct 2003 12:51:42

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Sounds like a good plan to me - should we have some sort of masonic wave - difficult to do I suspect in a Caterham.


The only other suggestion I can think of is we all meet at a certain spot just near the front gate - ring you and then all go in together. With any late stragglers ringing in....


However I now like the idea of a Bike Shed sign - as anyone got any crayons?

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naPP's plan sounds like a goer to me.

It shouldn't be too difficult to spot the person with the tickets - how many people will there be lurking around the gates 🤔

And it'll be even easier if people are turning up in pedal carts. *smile*

Me, I'll be the person wearing about 14 layers trying to keep warm in the 21 😬




Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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As I am staying in Milton Keynes the previous night, I should be there early-ish. And will have a tin-top (well cloth-top) so I can stay warm - if it is raining would be nice for those brave souls in proper pedal cars could get out of the cold once they arrive.


So I don;t mind turning up early (what time ?), and handing out tickets. I have an Orange car ... so you can't miss me *smile*

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7 or 8? Blimey - pP, you may need to drive me to the hotel as I can't imagine Mrs GTD waiting at Silverstone till then! *confused* I could suggest she gives the car a wash to keep herself busy! Unlikely though... *thumbdown*


What time are you getting there tomorrow?




G 4 Geoff

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Ah, right. I was just guessing by when Mrs Pat would arrive after collecting the kids from school, allow for Friday traffic, add an hour for setting up, and Bob's your uncle - 7.30. Happy to be proven wrong though.


So Noger, might be a bit earlier than 7.30 *wink*


If I haven't seen you by the time we're leaving, I'll give you a call on your mobile .


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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There's likely to be congestion round the M4/M25 with the Concorde stsuff going on at LHR too!




Perhaps Mr Holloway will let us sit in his Big Car - though my mum did suggest avoiding strange men in cars...


G 4 Geoff

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Sorry - I may have misled you. I have a full list, but I have only sent everyone mine and Geoff's (included in the original briefing note). I didn't think we needed to distribute everyone's mobile numbers to everyone (if you see what I mean *wink*).


If you don't have mine and Geoff's, I will email them to you separately.


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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Any of yous guys staying in Buckingham tomorrow night and fancy a beer? naPP you have my number if you fancy a swift half.


Plus the fair is in town, woohoo 😬 but there'll be pikeys everywhere 😳


I'm aiming for a skin full, a curry and lots of violent fair rides, you know it makes sense *confused*

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