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Quaife sequential ?? anyone have one


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i am interested in getting a subjective opinion of just how loud the quaife sequential is, how much of a pain it is in traffic (missing gears etc..) and also how much rebuilding it needs..


if anyone has one and lives nearby id love to come out in it and see it in the flesh as it were ??

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Hi Jackal, I've used one in a VX powered Westy, it's was as noisy as a typical straight-cut box, ie loud and fairly clunky on/off the throttle. This was in a car with a Windscreen.


If you in an aeroscreened and using ear plugs then I'm guessing it's not too bad. Having said that I think it is fairly agricultral for every day road use, but that's an entirely subjective opinion based on 20mins driving 2 years ago!!




Rob G


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There's a small number on here; myself, Arnie, Marius spring to mind.


My car's in bits (gearbox is fine though!) and not road legal. Arnie's is in bits too. And Marius is in Germany so not too helpful there.


It's noisier than a straight cut clubman box but much quieter than my old H change dog box. I can't see why the sequential bit should make it noisier, it's the straight cut bit that does that, so if you can live with any strainght cut box it should be OK. I'd be quite happy running it in a road car from a noise point of view.


Mine's done 2 season and a couple of thousand road miles and shows no sign of needing rebuilding. It's going back to Quaife soon for the latest selector drum (free upgrade!) and I'll ask them to check bearings, dog teeth etc at the same time but it feels OK.


On the road it changes better the faster you are going but equally will change quite acceptably when pottering. Downchanges are a bit clunky and graunchy but the latest selector drum is supposed to imporve that. Upchanges are seamless and silent. when going slowly you will occasionallly get caught between gears, then it gets really graunchy as the only thing to do is to just crash it in.

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Absolutely right. It deoends on what you are using the 7 for. For me it´s just a toy for a sunday blat, trackdays, bit of racing and letting steam off sometimes. The gearbox is noisy, a bit clunky but really good fun to go through the gears. Ask Richard Ince or Jason Krebbs, they both have the Quaife seq in their R500s and (I think) are also happy with them.


From what I remember of your video-footages I could swear you´re gonna like it... 😬


Go for it. If you don´t like it it will sell again very quickly. Ask Montgomery Motorsport in Irland, they offered a VERY good price on them (bought two).




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Quaife box is no noisier than a standard straight-cut because that's what it is - basically a standard straight-cut type 9 dog-box with a selector drum. Great fun, noisy, clacky, loose when off throttle or at low revs and wonderful when moving quickly. Older boxes have weaker dogs (tend to result in annual or less rebuild times) and the old style cam-drum so make sure any box you go for has the newer items (or enquire about costs to get them). Standard clutches will not last long, this is where the rumours of undriveability come in - as people generally upgrade to 7" or 5" lightweight multi-plate clutches which can make the initial pulling off a bit jerky, nothing you can't get used to but a little harsher than most road-goers are used to.


As said, would have a good look at Mr Edmands offering though, lighter, drop gears and a true sequential, well worth a chat with the man.





graeme finlayson / tyre warmer / fluke motorsport

graeme@fluke-motorsport.co.uk / www.fluke-motorsport.co.uk

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jackal - I can send you some information if you email me with your address on david@edmands.fsbusiness.co.uk


Latest box does fit into a Caterham without any modification to the tunnel unlike the prototype

It now has a cast casing as opposed to billet with new sequential mechanism running along the top of the box bringing the overall weight down to 18.5 kgs (Equivalent Quaife with alloy case is 32 kgs - Being heavy doesn't mean it's stronger !)

There is a choice of 50 gears in S156 steel (Ask Quaife if their gears are S156 !)

6 speed version will be available in the new year





Hi Graeme - Thanks for the mention...especially considering you used to have a Quaife sequential *smile*


Home of BDR700

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chaps, thanks very for the information. Dave YHM.


Marius, my car will be for aroudn 10 trackdays a year. A sunday outing of around 2-4 hours maybe two sundays in every month. And the odd trip to work and back when i feel like it in teh summer. So basically mostly hardcore use... i will be fitting a full race cage and basically treating it more like a motorbike, helmet on at all times etc.. so a sequential won't be out of place i dont think. Ultimate aim at all times is of course the biggest visceral buzz possible 😬

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I can absolutely reccomend the Quaife box. My only additional comment is such that the lower inertia that the input drivetrain charateristic the better the change will be.


The best clutch you can have for the job will be a 5.5" and it might separate the men from the boys as to who says this is usable on the road and who says it is not. Clearly Peter Carmichael and myself are men.


The only other buying advice I would give is taht if the Elite box loses no strength through its reduction of mass, howcome they do not exhibit the durability levels of the Quaife. Does anyone use an Elite box on the road for significant mileage?




Fat Arn

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You know nothing about testing/durability levels re the Elite box Arnie so how can you comment with such assertion ? I have quite openly shared the development of my own prototype box with users of this site good and bad, and it is partly my experiences in the brutal sport of drag racing (as far as transmissions are concerned) with near on 300 bhp/10,000 rpm and 50 millisecond flatshifts in a 7 that will benefit those who end up using the new box. I'm not the only guinea pig though as there are currently prototype boxes fitted to oval racers, rally cars and circuit racers in the UK and States. I'm sure you'll recall the problems Quaife had initially with their sequential box but cared not to mention.


A properly designed gearbox built specifically with very highly tuned 4 cylinder normally aspirated engines in mind does not need to be 37kgs (I'm quoting the weight of your iron cased 6 speeder in this instance). Quaife's very own alloy cased 4 speed dog box is only about 22kgs and can withstand substantially higher outputs. Adding a sequential change doesn't need to be heavy just to be reliable. In fact the lighter it is the better the change to a certain degree. How much does an F1 gearbox weigh ?


The truth is that if you really knew what you were talking about and compared the products component by component you wouldn't be publicly saying what you're saying for fear of the embarrassment that will so surely follow.


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I thought it only correct to bow to your superior knowledge and post a picture of my iron cased 6 speeder you refer to above....



I guess other readers of this thread can only wonder if such levels of accuracy pertain to your other verbiage??




Fat Arn

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Edited by - Fat Arnie on 23 Oct 2003 22:54:14

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I guess other readers of this thread can only wonder if such levels of accuracy pertain to your other verbiage??


Didn't bother looking at the picture originally. I'm afriad I don't see it the same way as some obviously do.


So was it 37kgs with an ali case or have you reduced the weight to a lowly 33kgs as a result of changing the maincase from iron to ali.


Home of BDR700


Edited by - edmandsd on 23 Oct 2003 23:18:34

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OHHH no, let's not go down that route again Guys, we are all adults here ar'nt we 🤔

I am sure That the box from Elite is very good, but it is also very new, and has not been subjected to the same amount of wear and tear that the Elite box has.

People are entitled to there own view and comments, so let the new product through, without criticism it is entitled to the perception of reliability and worthiness from other user's first.


Founder Member of The Twisted Prop Club.

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but it is also very new, and has not been subjected to the same amount of wear and tear that the Elite box has.


Firstly, I assume you meant Quaiffe at the end of the sentence ?


But in any case, how do you know what wear and tear the boxes have been subjected to ?? Surely you're just speculating like lots of other people ?


This is not, I hasten to add, a dig in any way. It's just an observation that it seems people are keen to comment on something on the basis of the one installation they happen to have a vague knowledge about when, as Dave has clearly pointed out, the Elite box is being run in a variety of different environments.


Now call me old fashioned, but if I'm looking at two gearboxes which both offer a 5 or 6 speed sequential shift, then factors such as weight and durability will obviously feature highly in my decision making process. Arguing over whether a gearbox has an iron or aluminium case is, in effect, irrelevant because it's ultimate weight is still a deciding factor.


Just my thoughts on the matter.....

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