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Since I got back from me hols, I've been dying to get stuck in about the sheds, but I've hardly had more than the odd 10 min stint ☹️


Last nite was lookin good, but the young lad has got chickenpox and was up virtually all last nite scratching, hence today I have eyes like puppies bollox *mad*


Hopefully normal service shall be resumed shortly *wink*



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I was unlucky enough to get chickenpox a few years ago. Worse for adults - more skin to be spotty.


What worked best and stopped itching for longest was Body Shop tea tree gel moisturiser. There is also a similar product by Tisserand. A bit more expensive than the usual calamine stuff the doctor recommends but far more effective. Those abo's knew a thing or two.


I only had two really nasty blisters which I cleared up in a week with the stronger BS tea-tree 'wand' for zapping spots.


Hope your littl'un is better soon


Se7en's - the most fun you can have with clothes on Barbarella here

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My sister got chickepox - aged 34...


...for the second time...


And I, who caught it at the same time she did as a sprog, had to deliver the camomile lotion (bumper pack, for bumper-sized person). Wasn't too keen to enter the household, despite protestations that the infectious period ends before the evidence is evidenced.


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Went down with CP when I was at a conference in Hungary.


I was carted off in an ambulance after I collapsed with a fever and was taken to an isolation hospital as Cp is a notifiable illness over there. So there I was literally locked in to a hospital room, the staff spoke no English and my hungarian is a little thin, they'd also taken away my passport etc. One of my colleagues was allowed to visit after a few days and bought our bilingual distributor with him, he also bought the Sunday Times, it took me 1.5 days to read every single printed word - all the house adverts, all the fashion tips, all of the heavy weight political stuff.


The hospital wouldn't let me leave by any means of transport that could involve me infecting anyone else so medical repatriation under our medical insurance was also out of the window as the insurance didn't cover me needing my own private plane


A few days later it was my birthday and I had a visit from the embassy, they bought me the luxury of a box of Terry's All Gold, whoopppeeee, that certainly beat the strange soup I'd been eating every day.


Eventually the hospital decided that it would be OK if I was driven home, my other half who had flown out went and hired a car (she'd never driven on the right before) and turned up at the hospital. Much form filling later I was allowed to leave on the promise that we'd drive


On advice from Dr's in the UK I was no longer infectious and so we decided to cheat and fly home. Off to the airport we went, I bought a one way ticket and we went through the passport checks and there was a problem with my ticket and my passport, OMG, I've been found out, so we stood there for what felt like hours, me covered in make up trying to hide the evidence and now sweating like a pig. It turned out they were just suspicious of 2 people flying together, one of them with a return ticket and one with a one way, so all was OK.


Strangely I've not been back to Hungary and I've not forgiven one of my nephews who gave me the CP (for the 2nd time) 😬


Supercheese R250

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And even when the kids grow up you can still be kept awake at night, by them coming home pi**ed in the small hours, having forgotten or lost their door key then throwing up on the doorstep as you open the door...............nice *eek* *eek*


Actually that wasn't my son, it was me when I lived at home. 😬 😬 😬






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my dad got trapped in poland as an engineer in the early 70s. They took his passport and said

"fix this".

so he did. then they said

"fix that".

'but i want to go home'.

"no! fix that".

so he did.

"now fly over there and fix that!"

'but i need my passport for internal flights'


'I'll have a one way ticket on the first plane out of here please...'



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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