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Packed her trunk !

Mikey UC

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Nellie that is.

Just heard, absolutely gutted about it.


Any career advice for a 4 tonne Indian elephant (good at balancing beach ball on trunk standing on hind legs, and going trump trump trumpty trump etc.) gratefully received.


I would like to wish her the best for the future whatever it may hold.




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Well apparently she left the circus, but no one could remember what happened to her once she left (Had a bit of a boring day yesterday and found little better to talk about).


Lap dancing in High Wycombe was one suggestion, however this is plainly absurd.


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For five points, name the singer *biggrin*


I popped off for a quick Google to check that my memory hadn't failed me *eek* and found this site here


and now I'm all nostalgic *tongue* and feeling very old ☹️ One of the songs was the first I remember singing; another one was a particular favourite for obvious reasons *wink*


Aah, the good ol' days, when you were allowed to wander off with your friends for the day, catching tiddlers in the stream and arrive back at five in time for tea. You walked to school. A peck of dirt didn't matter but Vosene didn't half sting if you forgot to shut your eyes *eek* You made your own entertainment; built your own go-kart from an orange box, some old pram wheels and a bit of string *biggrin* Being the first one to the top of the tree etc *tongue*


But even if I'm all old and wrinkly *eek* - I'm glad I'm not a child of this generation *wink*


FH *cool*


Edited by - fullharness on 16 Oct 2003 11:05:10

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Hang on, I'll have a look at the register from the last union meeting we had


Hhhmm, it's hard to find, there are a lot, and I mean a *lot* of different droppings in our corner of the shed


I may be sometime but don't worry, an elephant never forgets


The Elephant



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We had a CD Jukebox for "music on hold" at my last place.

Fantastic when we changed away from "pop" to "listen with mother" and "junior choice" type cd's.

We actually had people who used to complain of waiting to be put through to the helpdesk actually asking to be put back on hold, so they could listen to the end of the song.


All together now


The runaway train came over the hill, and she blew....



*thumbdown* *arrowleft* *cool* 😬 *arrowright* *thumbup* Blue and Silver Sublime Vehicle Barbarella here

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