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Is appears that you've not heard about Myles and his imaginary friend called Cat.


Cat falls asleep in pubs and has the most amazing dreams which involve Myles wacking the landlord with a Newky Brown bottle and a feather. When they wake up Myles in the cells and Cat is no where to be seen.


It's a sad case but at least it keeps several psyc students in thesis write-ups.


Paul AKA Cat

PS where's my food ??????

PPS Here kitty kitty



Supercheese R250

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Honest! It's a real feline...


...actually, looked it up in a book. Appears to be something called a 'Bombay' - also known as a 'mini Panther'...


It's the size of a small dog and growing. Veracious appetite. Thick as a builders yard full of 2x4s...


Hasn't worked out catflaps despite being shown how to by the resident cat for three months or so... 😳


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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The cat in question is either; not that old, or, not that clever...


We once had a young wrist-biter, but soon removed his little problem(s) *eek*


And (for verisimilitude) - a 'fact'. As observed by me at a friends house, aged about 13.


Labradors sp*nk is yellow.fact>


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Steve-B - I've got this somewhere - and 101 more uses for a dead cat...


Paul, this cat is sooooo stupid (compared to all the others we have/have had) that after 4 months, he still hasn't worked out the concept of a cat-flap despite being shown by the other, resident, cat...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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