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How long should my dipstick be (don't laugh)?

Allan Haighton

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So there I was, preparing to do open heart surgery on my 1700 xflow, when I managed to snap the plastic dipstick in half. (Engine supplied from new by Caterham in a live axle car; usual Caterham modified sump). No probem - Caterham sold me a replacement from stock.


But the new dipstick is 20mm shorter than the old one. (430mm from the 'oil low' mark to the shoulder, compared to 450 mm on the old one). So either my old oil levels were too low, or my new oil levels will be too high. But which?


To be exact:

Original dipstick is marked: PA66-GF30. All yellow plastic.

New dipstick is marked: PA66-GF15. Wire with a yellow plastic end.

(Ford main dealers don't recognise these part numbers.)


Caterham's Technical Dept was very helpful and even phoned me back to say that the dipstick tube was now also shorter, and hence a new tube would solve the problem. Excellent - I ordered one (only 5 milliseconds later did I realise I could have just cut down the one I already had).


Said dipstick tube arrived today. Guess what - its exactly the same length (260mm) as the one I have fitted already. Arghhhh.


So I'm no nearer to solving the riddle. Any help would be appreciated.




Allan Haighton

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One couldn't help but laugh!


I guess if you get stuck you could approach the problem the other way and recalibrate the new dipstick to suit the exact quantity of oil required by the engine. On the VX1600 engines Caterham did precisely that. As you know its the high level mark that I guess you need an exact fix on....


Best Regards,



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Maybe you had a new dipstick tube with an old spec dipstick? If that the case, then you now have the correct combination and an incorrect one in the first instance. Ask the factory for the recommended oil quantity, measure it into the engine and allow it to settle. Then check the mark on the dipstick.



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I think the answer is - long enough to indicate the correct oil level about 30mm from its free end.

But breaking plastic dipsticks are apparently a Rover problem on high mileage k series. My local Rover shop tells me that there is a replacement available after originals have embrittled and broken. Be warned.

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Thanks for your help chaps.

I've now got to the bottom of this one, with Caterham's help (thanks Nathan).


It seems that the original plastic dipstick is a Rover item - it just happens to indicate the correct oil level in a Caterham-modified sump. (Hence why Ford hadn't clue about part numbers.)


The plastic dipsticks go brittle and break , as I found out. Rover replaced it with a wire-type dipstick. However, the Rover engined cars have a similar type of dipstick. The two differ in length by 20mm. I was sent the wrong one.


Apart from length, the two differ in the colour of the plastic end:


For a X-flow, the end is light brown

For a K series, the end is yellow.


So if you need a new dipstick for a X-flow - make sure they send you a brown one.


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