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Mystery solved & bikeshed anniversary

Giles Wardle

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twinkle, regressing to childhood shouldn't be too taxing. I shall be achieving this from 10:00 am onwards tomorrow as I commence a weekend in Newcastle of beer and rugby world cup viewing

As Tam says, it's all the wibble that's confusing.

Concise Dictionary Of Wibble, anyone ?

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Following up on the "Origins of the Bikesheds" ....


Legend has it that FH and Blatman started the "Behind The Bikesheds" movement in the Spring of 2002.


Things got a bit chatty in the Summer, mainly I think due to attempting to make an 🙆🏻 icon. Miss MAV, MAV and KevSull where lurking about around that time too.


But it was sporadic at best, with only occasional visits... nothing like the splendid edifice we have today.


An alternative "faction" sprung up in the Autumn, with the arrival of Noger, Mark4Newman, Alex and Deeps.... this was during the whole "cucumber thing". This was the infamous "t" thread ... which alerted FH to some intrusion on her secret world.


FH and Noger traded a few insults about who actually owned the bike sheds, but then decided to call a truce and unite against an increasingly hostile upstairs.


The "It was an Autumn Evening" thread was not the start at all, but things had been quiet, and I was bored as usual *smile*

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☹️sniff ☹️


It was fun upstairs in the olden days - we used to all play so nicely together and Blatman in his limegreen W*******d used to frequent the whole of BC on a regular basis *thumbup* We would 'bump into each other' in here and have a little chat a deux *smile* (ISTR that it was a lot earlier than 2002 though) *tongue* Then we had an invasion of new people signing up to BC and they were quite vociferous in their subject matter - (lots of things, not just the age-old C vs W debate). Some of the older BC'ers who had previously chattered away in a tres amusant stylee, became all grown up and accused some other chatterers of being inane and silly *thumbdown* Having lurked upstairs from time to time recently, I would say that much of what is now discussed is even more inane and childish than the original causes of their wrath and it's often insulting and bigoted. Hey ho.


Noger, I don't remember trading insults over bikeshed ownership *confused* *wink* The bikesheds is a grumpy-free zone and opens its doors to all who enjoy wibble; possess a sense of humour and can put up with the odd latin quotation *eek* 😬




FH *cool*

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Perhaps we need a FAQ ?


What do the bikesheds look like ?

What is "wibble" ?

What is it with you lot and cucumbers ?


Agree with FH about the bigotry upstairs ... just went for a quick peak, and it's all "bloomin country has gone to the dogs" ... "bloomin overpaid footballers" ...


I have a mind to enter "Grumpy Old Men" (BBC2, 19:50) on the "Whats on the Box" section *tongue*

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Noger *thumbup*


Just reread my post - it was the firdst time I had entered the shed not the first time the shed had existed. It was nice to see how good you already existing shedders were to welcome us.


For various reasons I was a bit nervous about posting on this site and now I'm a member of the club...go figure.

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