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HPC head gasket blown

Stuart Wallace

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Logic tells me(along with the two Pauls) that my head gasket has blown on my VX HPC but why? This is a wonderfull engine and last 100's of thousend's of miles is a rep mobile so why has the HG gone in my 580kg Caterham when it last so long in an SRI (my HPC is carb though)? The car has never over heated.



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Pressurised to the point of coolant escaping from the pressure cap?


Pressurised immediately (within seconds) of cold startup?


If not, then probably not head gasket failure. The pressure caps are known to fail, so it might be worth starting with a change of pressure cap. IIRC, Andy Griffith had trouble last year keeping coolant in his VX. It may be worth comparing notes.

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Yes pressurised to the point of coolant escaping from the pressure cap, but not pressurised immediately. It has always taken some time for the coolant to escape from the cap. Please look at "VX HPC water Temp" thread. I have changed the pressure cap, I will check to see if I have the correct cap though.



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I've been experiencing symptoms similar to those you describe for some time. Swindon Vx also. My initial suspicion was head gasket but nothing else supports this. I have changed expansion tank, thermostat to 82 deg job as you know and bled the system countless times. What I have found is that it will blow off coolent only when I have filled the system to the "full" level on the expansion tank. Once this has gone and with the level at the bottom of the expansion tank no further coolant appears to be lost even over hundreds of miles on motorway. To my mind this points to failure to bleed off air completely from the system properly but who knows. Think I'll run some compression tests next.


All the best



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As I said before, the common denominator with all the blown XE HG's I've seen this year is long periods of lack of use of the car...this is when the gasket deteriorates.



With porous XE heads the oil actually enters the coolant and produces a thick emulsion....I know I've got that T-shirt as well.



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If it were the head gasket why does it take so long to pressurise, as Peter implied if it was the head gasket would it not pressurise from start up? I think I might have the wrong pressure cap, you don’t know the part number do you? By the way I think we might have met at the Chalet Café, I was in the green and yellow car that over shot the car park entrance.



The car is used at least every weekend and over this summer a lot more than that.


You know chaps, I am changing my mind on this almost hourly, and currently I am thinking along Alans idea that I still have air in the system. I think I will try to get hold of one those hydrocarbon testers


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I'm afraid you're delaying the inevitable, but I can't blame you for not wanting to believe the HG.


I showed your long description of the symptoms to my mate Simon who had the same problem with his HPC...his comment..."I could have written that myself word for word"


Anyway to avoid being labelled an "I told you so pain in the arse", I will refrain from any more posting on the subject. But when you do finally accept the inevitable, please let me know whether I was right or not.



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Yes that was me at Chalet caff.


From a posting by ECR from June July Expansion cap is

Halfords HRC606

0.8 to 1.2bar opening pressure


I'm also going to treat myself to a new one, just in case.


If you havn't done so already have a look at the posting refered to, search for "Vx head gasket failure" was about June or July. Some interesting points made.



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I had a problem whilst at Monza a few years back with my 2.0 XE. It would run fine in the paddock (even when "revved") but on the circuit blew water from the expansion tank after less than 2 laps. I could not convince myself that it was a head gasket but even after various plumbing mods at the circuit the problem was still there.


Back in UK (with help of coolant tester) I was convinced enough to remove the head. Sure enough, head gasket blown.


I put it down to running less than premium fuel on my Swindon map causing detonation at high revs with damage to the head (it's a fast circuit !) and gasket "relaxation" into the damaged area only at the very high pressures experienced on track.


I made some good Italian friends whilst trying to sort the problem though so all was not lost ! (still can't speak a word of the lingo.....)




Ex Chairman Roger


Edited by - ECR on 7 Oct 2003 13:31:45

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Had a similar problem with a friends Vx powered 7, the coolant system was pressurizing with a build up of air at the top of the rad. We got a restrictor from Caterham that fits in the small hose to the top of the expansion tank. It stops the coolant from airating in the expansion tank. Haven't had a problem since.


It could be your head gasket but I would explore the cheaper/easier changes first.





Mellow Yellow Vauxhall - I don't think so!!! 😬 😬

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Paul and Roger,

I am almost curtain you are right, I have even booked the car in to have the work done I just can’t understand why the head gasket should go. Also I am more than willing to believe I have not bleed the system correctly.



Thanks for the information I think it is the same part number as mine. I have read that tread thanks.



I am going to test the coolant for water to night; if it comes up clear I will try Caterham for the restrictor.




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This is getting silly, I have just tested the coolant with a block tester and fluid stays a nice blue. The fluid is quite old so to test the test fluid I operated the tester by the exhaust and it did turn green. It might not be quite as sensitive as new fluid so I will get some new tomorrow and test again. It does look as if the head gasket is ok, where to go from here, could it be a blocked rad?
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Oh come on!!!

Sorry, we said we wouldn't post again, but this is like Chinese torture. Where do you live, Stuart, we'll replace the HG for you at our expense just to get rid of this topic and get on to something new

Getr the bloody torque wrench out and do the job, and while you're at it renew the cam belt


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had exactly this problem on my VX even with a restricor fitted to the small return hose to the expasion tank.

There did not seem to be enough capacity in the rover expansion tank.

I fitted a larger round tank from a VX car with a new VX cap.

Problem solved.



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had exactly this problem on my VX even with a restricor fitted to the small return hose to the expasion tank.

There did not seem to be enough capacity in the rover expansion tank.

I fitted a larger round tank from a VX car with a new VX cap.

Problem solved.


John *smile*



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had exactly this problem on my VX even with a restricor fitted to the small return hose to the expasion tank.

There did not seem to be enough capacity in the rover expansion tank.

I fitted a larger round tank from a VX car with a new VX cap.

Problem solved.


John *smile* *smile*



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had exactly this problem on my VX even with a restricor fitted to the small return hose to the expasion tank.

There did not seem to be enough capacity in the rover expansion tank.

I fitted a larger round tank from a VX car with a new VX cap.

Problem solved.


John *smile* *smile*



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