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advantages of 13" Mag wheels?


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i was presuming it was because of the 15" rims but the R400 demonstrator taht i drove, well under power the nose lifted and wandered all over the place. My old slr was never like this.


If this is to do with 15" then personally i wouldnt touch them with a bargepole.




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I know this thread is about 13" wheels, but...


Does anyone know of/use a lighter-weight alternative to the OEM 14" KN Minators that my Roadsport came with?


I like the combination of diameter/side wall height and wheel-arch-filling capacity but of the 14" wheels but would be keen to loose some unsprung mass...


Any thoughts?




C7 CCL - broom broom

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My R400 was delivered with 13" mag. split rims, and after 4000 miles or so I bought a set of the new 15" aluminium wheels, all with CR500's.


Poise, balence, confidence all deteriorated significantly with the 15" rims, which I ran for about 1000 miles.


I've just changed back to the 13" rims and it handles like a different car. No question in my mind whatsoever as to the better set up.

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The Mag wheels as fitted to R500 6.5" front and 7.5" rears have different circumferences with 205 and 175's ( I think that is OE) fitted, and yes they do promote under steer. I have reverted to 6" all round. I intend to buy a set of 6.5" for the rear, so will have the same all round. This is with only 140 bhp however.


Edited by - Paul Bowden on 5 Oct 2003 20:29:14

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Mike's wheels will set you back £909.72 incl VAT and Post and Packing for 2 of 6.5 x 13 and 2 of8.5x13 wheels incl nuts. I should know I've just bought some!


IMHO better value than buying CF wings/nose etc




All part of my master plan for a sub 500kg Zetec engined 7.



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the wider rears tend to be fitted on higher powered cars - this means you can use a little (or a lot of) right foot and adjust out the under steer as you wish.


for example my car has 175 and 205 CR500s on 6 and 7" wheel. It is fairly understeery if you just turn into a hairpin, neutral if you do it as you come off the brakes. On the exit it can be anything from understeer if you carried to much speed to lurid oversteer with full welly.


I'd advise wider rear wheels for this set up though - I think the rear tyres squirm a bit too much meaning turn-in or initial power on is a bit weird after the initial bite before everything is settled.


also a 175 CR500 is the same width as a 185 Yoko 32 (to within 1mm).



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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I have both minilites and MiKes wheels. They are 1 kilo per wheel lighter, although some minilites do not live up to their name and weigh well over 5kg for a 13 x 6. I was looking to buy a secondhand minilite the other week as a spare and it weighed nearly 6 kg. MB wheels are typically about 4 kg depending upon width
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Well I received my wheels from Mike Barnby this morning and promptly went to Alba Tyres in Leeds who dealing in expensive alloys and having a special machine that fits tyres by holing the wheel centre and has no contact with the rim so should know what they are doing. Well they do not! Buggered up one of my ACB10's ! Only found out later that they had cut into the beading. Failed to fit tyres and accused me of my tyres being wrong size for rims and had caused their machine to break whilst trying to fit 7/21 x13 of the 6.5 fronts. Only found out when local garage completed the job and discovered a slow leak in one on the tyres fitted by Alba on further inspection they had attemted to glue the cut in the bead! They will be receiving a letter and I will pursue them through the small claims court if neccessary.


Rant off for now





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