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Dog haters rant

Boonie Hound

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Sorry - I need to get this off my chest so here goes....


Went on my hols and as usual visited one of the cafes in Ambleside that take dogs.


As we came in the door which is signed for doggies I could see a woman mouth disgusting to her eating companian. I took no notice as I figured she hadn't realised they allow dogs. But as I stopped to figure out the best place for me, the dog, Mrs B and our two friends to sit this lady gets up and gives me a complete mouthful.


Starting with get that away from me I hate that type of dog, get it away....escalating within seconds to her screaming at us and almost diving over the table. The dog, which was looking the other way did nothing and I moved on as quickly as I could. But the whole episode left a nasty taste in the mouth.


I will say for the record that I realise not everyone loves dogs or even German Shepherds. In fact I often go out of my way to make sure the hound doesn't go near people if they look scared and I would never purposely put her near someone who is genuinely scared, especially children. Dog owners have a responsibility not only to their dog but other people.


But it's just the rudeness of this person that got me. I would have been (and was) more than happy to move along as far away as I could get from the lady, especially if she asked me politely. I understand people have irrational fears but she was completely over the top.


I think she tried to complain about us but the managment told her were to go as we are regulars and all the signs showed that it was a dog friendly place.


Has anyone else faced this type of treatment?


Sorry - rant over

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I haven't, but then I don't have a dog *tongue*


As you know I am allergic to dogs, cats, some people etc. I would never react like that, OK so I am not keen on having dogs round me, but that's usually easily solved by asking the owner to move the dog away... she sounds completely irrational, like so many people these days...


I wouldn't dwell on it too much, you get all sorts of nutcases in the Lakes...bet she was driving a German registered BMW as well *mad*




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Bad luck Boonie ☹️ *mad* *thumbdown*


I don't understand some people. Your only consolation will be that she can't have too happy a life if it only takes something like that to send her off on one.


And by the way,

I realise not everyone loves dogs or even German Shepherds


absolutely I once knew a shepherd named Gunther, awful he was


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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The Apple Pie shop I think it's called and they do great pies and Bath Buns - opposite the water mill on the same side of the road as the house over the stream (National Trust Office). I know you can park at the school but not the free parking at the loos - is that near the Rock and Run shop?
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Nah, you might have heard me, but definatley not seen me 😬 *eek* 😳 *tongue* 😬


My only car is a Striker Fireblade, green and yellow, doorless and areoscreened, normally residing around the Preston area *cool*


Unfortunatly the anti-tramp bar bushes are shot to bu66ery ☹️




P.S. This is a thinly veiled plea for help! 😳

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Was it something I said? *confused*


Anyway, 'tis time to go, have a nice w/e shedders


(rolls up sleaves and gets new tool kit out for show, before deferring to a garage and real spanner monkey)


*goes off humming, "i am a monkey, I can go anywhere, I am a monke.....


BB 😬 *thumbup*

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Dear Dogs,


When I say to move, it means go someplace else, not switch positions with

each other so there are still two dogs in the way.


The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other

dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in

the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming

your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the



The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me

to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help, because I fall

faster than you can run.


I cannot buy anything bigger than a king size bed. I am very sorry about

this. Do not think I will continue to sleep on the couch to ensure your

comfort. Look at videos of other dogs sleeping, they can actually curl up

in a ball. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other

stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking

tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to

maximize space used is nothing but doggy sarcasm.


My compact discs are not miniature Frisbees.


For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by

some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not

necessary to claw, whine, try to turn the knob, or get your paw under the

edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I

entered. In addition, I have been using bathrooms for years; canine

attendance is not mandatory.


The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog's butt. I cannot

stress this enough. It would be such a simple change for you.


Your Owner


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*thumbup* 😬 *thumbup* 😬 Top stuff Noger 😬 Reading that was a lovely way to start the day 😬




1. Placing your chin on the edge of the table and making doe eyes at me does not make me change my mind. The plate in front of me is empty and will be cleaned by the dishwasher, not your tongue


2. I am Alpha dog in this household and this situation will not change, however hard you persevere. Give up now for all our sakes!


3. If I scold you, it is for your own good. Please do not adopt that hangdog expression - it will not work


4. Selective deafness is not an option. I know you heard what I said. Please now act upon the instruction/command given


5. When asked politely to "Sit!" I would be grateful if you could remember the command for more than five seconds, without my having to resort to bribery


6. I would like, once in a while, to place the white embroidered bed linen on the marital resting place. You may have noticed that for a considerable time, only multi-coloured duvet covers have been used. This is because you both sneak in once the humans have vacated said space and follow your "check for snakes before settling down" routine, making said space into something akin to the innards of a vacuum cleaner. Please desist. The Vale of Belvoir environment is being destroyed by the amount of soap powder and dirty water entering the waste water systems


7. When I sit in the bath it is for the purpose of abluting. I do not require a second "washing", despite your good intentions


8. I appreciate that some humans are not as fastidious about cleanliness as I am. I would however be grateful if you could desist from the habit of sating your curiosity of their nether regions prior to a formal introduction


9. You both exit the door into the garden at the same time. Could you kindly confer between you and try to return in the same timely manner, rather than requiring a human to make two trips to allow your individual access to the warmth of the house


10. Despite all of the above, including a goodly proportion of the missive from Apha Noger, we do love you dearly *tongue* *cool*


FH *cool*



Edited by - fullharness on 5 Oct 2003 11:41:14

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