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Fluke carbon products


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Yes of course, we can all see that was another totally unbiased, balanced, unpredictable view point. Not.

I think Arnie & Co., that you believe that if you shout loudest and longest, everyone will listen. Wrong. We appreciate choice, and choice is what we are being given. Commendation to everyone involved in the manufacture and / or provision of the afformentioned components - whichever market you may be aiming at. But as rightfully stated by numerous already on this thread alone, dont decry the competition for making a "different" product. It is possible to find fault with all carbon products on the matket, including the ones claiming to be the best beyond all others. Take heed - people living in glass houses should not throw stones.


Jack & Walter.

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Arnie, I'm trying to comprehend this last post and I'm hoping that it's just your usual joking manner - suggesting that you receive a far greater quality of product as a part-time customer of the pre-preg source compared to those who are full time customers, I can only assume you are.





graeme finlayson / tyre warmer / fluke motorsport

graeme@fluke-motorsport.co.uk / www.fluke-motorsport.co.uk

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I have sold approx 200 rear wings, 30 nosecones, 300 front wings and have also led the design of carbon sill protectors, wing protectors, indicator pods, exhaust cans etc etc. ahead of Caterham. Can't say that really diminishes the scale of "part time".


Quality is not linked to volume, otherwise Toyota would make the very best cars in the world.


The simple fact is that even with one company supplying all the carbon bits into Caterhams market there is not enough business to make the kind of margins which would support myself, wife and child.


I don't always have a joking manner, its just I rarely take things personally.


Fat Arn

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Well, for someone who has such a high level of self regard and an unbelievable eagerness to bad-mouth others I find the attitude of 'not taking things personally' ridiculous and no excuse for the way you are currently acting. Opinions are fine and you're welcome to them, however, reputation damaging opinions with no base whatsoever fostered purely for self-promotion/gain/sale are completely out of order.


I still cannot fathom how you came about your views and perhaps one day you will mature past these current ways but sadly, for now, it's the rest of us who have to shake our heads in disbelief each time you post things like this. I would like to think you've been round long enough to have gained a balanced outlook and some sense of reason. I guess we'll have to wait just a little longer.


Thanks Arnie, I think I'm going to call it a day on this thread though as I fear any minute now you'll be threatening to beat me up at playtime and steal my lunch money *thumbup*





graeme finlayson / tyre warmer / fluke motorsport

graeme@fluke-motorsport.co.uk / www.fluke-motorsport.co.uk

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I wouldn't worry about Arnie's vocally expressed 'opinions'. I imagine that most people who read Blatchat for more than a couple of days quickly realise that Arnie's 'humurous' posts, being as biased, misleading, offensive, patronising and frequently xenophobic as they are, are not to be taken seriously. Those who do not recognise the outpourings of Arnie's little tantrums (as you've spotted, the intellectual level involved usually struggles to reach the level of the average primary school playground bully) for what they are usually end up being part of the select band of 'Arnie's acolytes', for whom he is guru, prophet and fashion icon.


After all, if Arnie wanted to be taken seriously by others, let alone himself, he would actually have responded to some of the serious questions posed in this thread and would justify some of the more outrageous comments which he has said, or prompted others to say, with something more meaningful than further abuse.


Arnie, I am sure, will see this post for the humurous note that it is, as he so rarely takes things personally.


*wink* 🤔



3 broken ribs and no Fury.... 🙆🏻

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DanB. I'm a simple East End lad, born in '42. If you had posted your comments about my peer group, with the evenings drawing in, I wouldn't be safe to go out in the dark.


Now I can understand some of your charges about Arnie, but he is a bit like the Club, you take the good with the bad - just look at our Chairman's postings of late to see what I mean (viz, BTW).


Arnie has just stepped forward not only to save the Rumble but made it a great success.


Susan and I agreed to have his Le Mans containers to stay at the farm and because of this we got to learn just how hard he has worked for Club members.


I hope, therefore, you will understand that if a line was drawn in the sand, then I would step forward and admit to "being part of the select band of 'Arnie's acolytes'," for whom he is not a guru but a friend.


Now I did grow up in the Eastend... and the nights are drawing in!


Come on, we all need each other, or there isn't a Club but please no personal criticism from anyone.



Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 222bhp Sausage delivery machine

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"I imagine that most people who read Blatchat for more than a couple of days quickly realise that Arnie's 'humurous' posts, being as biased, misleading, offensive, patronising and frequently xenophobic as they are, are not to be taken seriously."





IRTA: 'the simon scuffham of the caterham world' *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad*

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  • Leadership Team

Come on Graham, there is no reason why one member should have more "right" than any other to make any statement - unless you're suggesting there is a hierarchy unto which we must all bow. I perceive you are suggesting a situation of "all members are equal, but some are more equal than others" *eek*


As a forum to which we all express ourselves, surely it is fine to voice a view or an opinion, positive or negative, but to have a pop at an individual or their product is going over the fine line we tread. Anybody who does so should expect to have the wrath of the masses upon them - whoever they are or whatever they may have historically done for the club. There are many many members who put a great deal of effort in for the benefit of the club, its wellbeing and its members - some do it quietly, some shout about it. Don't suggest that the silent masses are any lesser value to the club - together we can speak louder than you may imagine.



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its seems to me that arnie can upset anyone ,piss anyone off ,bad mouth them do anything he likes and get away with it ,well its wrong ,if i started spouting crap like he does and slagging people off badmouthing them i am sure something would be done ,as for this hierarchy that there seems to be i for one aint going to bow to it ! arnie you have crossed the line to many times ,i hope someone gives you a slapping to remember and i hope its me 🙆🏻 hole *mad* *tongue* its about time something was done about this idiot !
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😬Dogs In The Park.....Mog gies, would it be a Fluke if the rspca showed up and caged em all.


Carbon F is not hard to work with especially in flat panels grab you a sheet of window glass, wax it well, apply some cf mat, saturate with resin, lift off when cured and hey that was easy, and super smooth on the side that was against the glass


For the adventurous place in heavy duty garden rubbish bag attached to "shopvac" with duct tape, suck out air, and let cure under heat source (sun works here!) 😬


Wait I can get in touch with "Gator In the Swamp" and sell you some! CF is really, really hard involves hundreds of man hours, comercial vacuum machines, autoclaves, very complicated expensive stuff..........




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Regardless of whatever has been said on this thread, the threatening of violence is completely and totally unacceptable.


I suggest all parties withdraw and take a cold shower. I would also suggest either 'Heavenly' or Mr Sweeney shut this thread down before someone does or says something that he/she or more importantly the club might regret.


*arrowright* *arrowright*Harry Flatters *arrowright* *arrowright* *thumbup*

AKA Steve Mell of Su77on Se7ens and Joint AO - Surrey

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