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F1 G Prix

Mrs Mav

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So far as I could tell Viv (my concentration wavered somewhat) the first five were the first five on the grid, in the same order, and there was no overtaking (apart from pit-visitors and drop-outs). It was, however, the fastest Formula One race ever run - beating the 32 year-old record of Peter Gethin. Now I could drone on about that one for hours...



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I went to Snetterton to watch the Academy racing, I doubt if there is as much excitement in a year of F1 as there is in two Academy races


It was all action as it was only their second race and they were all going for it. Lots of close racing with quite a few spins, skids, 'oops is that the bend there' moments and a couple of minor comings together made for a very entertaining pair of races.


Great stuff 😬 *thumbup* and my 6-year-old enjoyed it too - it was his first race meeting but it wont be his last.





P8MRA - Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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Hey Nick! I spotted your car parked on the grass at the chicane (well, not literally at the chicane, but you know what I mean 😳)! I was in the tin-top, as the family had come up with me - I was there to brief the Academy guys on what it's like in Roadsports B.


It was great racing, wasn't it? Although I gather that one of the guys that came off at the first corner in the second race (caused a red flag) ended up in hospital ☹️. Not super-serious, but suffered some rib damage.


I also enjoyed the spinfest with the Sports 1600s 😳 *wink*


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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What a dull F1 race *mad*

Stayed up to watch the highlights and don't recall seeing a single overtake in the whole race *eek* Once the first corner was over, it was just a procession. *thumbdown* *thumbdown*


The caterham racing on Sky earlier in the week was much much much better as was the BTCC coverage on Motors TV.


Looking forward to Silverstone 25th October 😬


69866 miles and counting...

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hoopy, here's a blow by blow of the race:


22 cars showed up at the track to go round and round and round


the race started, one went flying.


some other cars hit each other, and retired.


some more cars retired.


about 16 cars kept going round and round and round.


the man came out with a checkered flag and waved it after about 2 hours....


a man won, and two others were 2nd and 3rd.


there was a bunch of champagne sprayed on the tifosi


then everyone went home, or changed the channel.....

😬 😬


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE


Edited by - Steve-B on 16 Sep 2003 11:04:05

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gah Steve in another can't read shock *wink* *wink* *wink* *wink*



I asked Tony to retell the the 1960s race using the current drivers names. We could then hear an exciting race report.


I saw more than enough of the actual race and hoovered Em's flat instead of seeing it all. unfortunately she has a dyson so it didn't take very long and I had to watch more of the race....



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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NaPP - I didnt know you were going as I'd have kept an eye open for you (not that I know what you look like *eek*). I was there with Nifty and my 6-year-od son Adam (who spent the whole time following Nifty around and ignoring me 😳)


It was Adams first time and he loved it - i did a bit of videoing and all you can hear is him going 'wow' , 'look at that' , 'hes crashed' and so on 😬. I have most of the sports spinfest on tape and i also have the big Academy spin in race 1 as well - when I get time i'll post it somewhere on the web


I didnt realise why the second race was stopped ☹️ - I hope the driver is ok


I may be going again this sunday - the JCC Centurion challenge is on and although not an official caterham race there are several R500s in it, one of which is driven by Richard Ince who is from our area.




P8MRA - Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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If you saw anyone fitting the following bill, it was me:


- 5' 6" in height

- wearing a Caterham Festival 2002 t-shirt, and a Caterham baseball cap

- usually accompanied by a 7 year-old boy, and a 4 year-old girl who was wearing an eeyore cap with a fur mohican (the cap, not the girl *eek*) and big floppy donkey ears 😳

- slowly but surely burning under the sun, until I started using a black umbrella to protect my delicate skin 😳


I didn't come across Nifty at any point, so maybe our paths never crossed anyway ...


By the way, I know there were a few Caterhams parked together on the grass - you weren't the one eating your lunch in yours with the hood up, were you 😳 *eek* 😳 *eek* 🤔


Actually, I remember someone wandering in front of us at the fence just in front of the concrete pad where people had put up their deckchairs, etc, and videoing some of the chicane action - I guess that might have been you? If so, maybe your video captured an Irish voice behind you muttering friendly things 😳 *eek*


Finally, the kids are great to bring along. Mine spent half of one of the Academy races arguing about who was last Being 4 years old, my daughter was absolutely certain that she was right, whereas my son knew that she wasn't *wink*


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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