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just had my first accident...


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I've cleared a car before 😳

Bike into back of (parked) car *arrowright* Ewen over top of car *arrowright* Ewen dents bonnet of car *arrowright* Ewen in heap in front of car *thumbdown*


Amazingly both bike and Ewen bounced - no injuries to either. Car bumper was a bit dented though 😳


Hope Moomin is OK - I don't see how it can cost you anything as cyclists generally exempt of everything *tongue* *wink*... perhaps...


69813 miles and counting...

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Yep, Hope Moomin is tickety boo.


Two big accidents on bikes.


First (as a student) - bloke opened drivers door (parked) at night on a downhill, lefthander in the wet (me with BIG lights, travelling at speed). I was fired into the air - towards the oncoming lane. I'd rehearsed this mentally many times - managed to do an amazing forward roll thingy on impact into my lane - was congratulated in particular by a bystander for this...


Think I ended up with a fractured wrist - bruising was amazing (black is the colour). Police uninterested. I never took it to an A&E (by the time I knew it was serious, the bruising was going down and I thought they'd turn me away.)




Other one (actually, as a 5k a mile cyclist, I've had many, many more....), was a door opened by a passenger about a year ago. The car wasn't in a parking position (about a metre into the road) and wasn't at a recognised alighting place - just got bored waiting for the lights (someone must have been late for work)... Ended up with a chipped knuckle and ripped leg muscle. Asked for the guys insurance details and name. Refused. Got a lot of abuse - took a photo as he was leaving. Guy got out and threatened violence. Went to coppers. They took a statement, advised medical treatment for hand (when will I ever learn - did nothing...)


Eventually got a letter saying no prosecution for driver (although they had visited him and given him a verbal), but a formal caution for the passenger.


Sleep tight!


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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The best (worst ? *confused*) crash I ever had on my mountain bike was on the local BMX track (its the nearest thing we have to mountains in Norfolk *eek*).


This particular track was close to where i lived and i used to go round it from time to time. One evening, having not been near it for a few weeks, I decided to go along and do a few laps. There were a few kids on bmx's and mountain bikes going round so, for a laugh, I decided to give chase.


What I didnt know was that the layout had changed, there used to be a bit which went up, along and down. However it had been changed to go up-down-up-down. I went up the first slope at speed expecting to do a short jump onto the flat bit before the descent but instead found myself falling into the 'valley'


I ended up with on my left side, with my left foot still in the toeclips but with the bike partly underneath me (think about it for a moment..) fortunately the others came to my rescue and untangled me from the bike and got me up. My left leg was black, blue and a funny yellow colour from my thigh down to my ankle for about 3 weeks after but luckily it was no worse than that


I never did go back there after that *eek*



P8MRA - Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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went round a corner a bit too quick once and didnt realise there was a small amount of gravel on the road, bike slid out from under me and I ended up going down the road on my shoulder for several metres. My arm was cut to pieces and you could see my shoulder bone.


Another time I was going down a hill and hit a pot hole, went over the handle bars and ended up on my head (luckily I was wearing a helmet).


And finally, I was mountain biking with a friend once and he went over the handle bars and broke his collar bone.


You're only suppose to blow the blo*dy doors off *wink*

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Mine was in cambridge on King's Parade (between King's colllege and suicide corner for those that know)


Cylcling along on my rickety push bike with the loose front mud-guard (it was a 'townbike' so had full metal mudguards) and slightly bent front forks (so the wheel base was 2" smaller than it should have been).


My foot touched the mud gaurd as I turned slightly, the remains of the support collapsed, the guard touched the wheel, the guard dug into the tyre, the tyre stopped, I carried on, and landed on my chin


After the stars had gone away (its the only time I've ever seen them but you DO see them) I got up and picked up my bike and wiped my chin. Oh, its bleeding a bit.


A passer-by told me to go to hospital for my chin (why 🤔 I thought) so I went to my doctor who was literally the other side of the road and had a look in their washroom. Oh - it is quite a cut, I guess I'll see what they can do for me.


Excuse me, can I see I doctor please 🤔 I'm registered here, my name is Hoopy.Its about my chin

"um, yes, right away, follow me"


a few stiches later and I was sorted *smile*



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Does remind me of a time when I was bombing to sixth form down this hill. I had a Raleigh banana (racer spesh edition, probably to do with the tour du France - twas crap though, but parents couldn't afford another mtn bike after my one got nicked *mad*), and, upon reaching to the gears to get it into top, my finger missed the gear lever, and caught the tyre.


Well, my hand was flicked forward, hit the forks, and my finger was rubbing the tyre, and slowing the bike down - quick!


The back end of the bike was lifting off the ground, and there was a rather nasty Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz noise, as the finger rubbed on the tyre and slowed me down.


Once I'd stopped, I took my finger off the tyre. There was a massive amount of skin lifted, with loads of black rubber underneath. It looked like a decent sized wave.


Went to the school nurse, she went a bit white (I don't think she could have been a real nurse!), so my mate had to cut it off with a pair of scissors designed for cutting plasters.


Lovely. 😬


Mark Harrison


Newly registered 7-esque

Q***KCP ont' roads!

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... although it reminds me of one of my favourite games when I was a kid.


Basically, my friend would lie down flat in the middle of the road. I would travel a few hundred metres up the road (on a hill), then pedal towards him as fast as I could. The trick was to slam on the brakes as late as possible, then skid to a stop as close as possible to his head without actually riding over his head.


Quite a fun game, really *wink*


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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For whom? 😬


I had several exciting spills on my boneshaker while drag-racing with a friend in my youth.


I also rear-ended another bike with my old cast-off Moulton while I was a student. Result: cast-off Moulton one small scratch, fancy Holdsworth tourer new rear wheel.


University car club legend has it that one guy had his rusty Alfasud written off by a moped rear-ending it at traffic lights. 😬

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Actually, that Moulton was a great bike. My GP gave it to me before I went off to university, after finding it, disused, in his shed. I think he was touting for business. I did it up (well, made it less of a a deathtrap and painted it) and took it off with me. It did great rear-wheel brake-induced skids in the chemistry lab car park.


I would have had far more accidents on my bike had it not been for the fact that the low crossbar design meant that you could simply step off it if you felt that a crash was coming. Doing this at any speed of course requires the rider to be blind drunk so as to be all loose and floppy and avoid injury by rolling with the punches (see P J O'Rourke on this subject). Doing this on return to your abode enables the bicycle to park itself and for your to hurry to your home without concerning yourself unnecessarily as to the cycle's welfare. Nobody in their right mind would steal such a cranky old beast and so wasting time locking it was pointless.


Best bike crash was hammering down an invisible bridle path on the approach to Devoke Water in the Lakes and finding a peat bog at the bottom of the hill. The front end of the bike disappeared up to the stem in the bog and the rider went for an entertaining aerial jaunt before landing delicately in the reassuringly squashy peat.


*Sigh* Reminiscence.....

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Hit a brick while riding bike in park play area (aged about 11 I think), went over handlebars, took small chip out of two front teeth, gravel rash in various places. I can't whistle very well, but no other lasting effects.


However, Fletch's escapades are much more spectacular. He has had a little dent in his forehead since he was a littl'un as a result of hitting a patch of new tarmac. Bike stopped. Fletch didn't and hit lampost. Result, concussion and nasty wound.


This did not prevent him a few years later from attempting to ride his bike along the top of a wall. Fell off bike and wall broke arm.


Scarier was when I had a Honda 90 for a while before I got my car licence. Chain broke, bike deposited me in road. I was spark out for a minute or two. When I came round, I was underneath a petrol tanker which had stopped inches from the bike. I was looking up at his front bumper, and one front wheel was almost on my ankles.


Se7en's - the most fun you can have with clothes on Barbarella here

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