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On Monday I find out if I'm still employed or not

Nick Woods

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Out of 80 people in the department, 27 are to be made redundant on Monday. At face value its a 1 in 3 chance but in fact half of my skill group (IT systems designer / developer) are going.


We've gone through a 30-day consultation period which to be honest is far too long (its a legal requirement) - we all wish it was over a couple of weeks ago


Either way its going to be pretty grim next week, either I wont have a job or I will have one but a load of my friends wont ☹️


And I dont think this will be the end of it either.



P8MRA - Red and Black 1.6K supersport


Edited by - Nick Woods on 12 Sep 2003 09:27:49

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☹️ ☹️ Nick,


I know exactly how you feel - just last week they made more than 10% of the people here redundant. I was fairly sure I would be one of the people going, as they are stopping development work and that is the area I work in.


I got lucky, I get to keep my job for the moment. A number of my friends were not so fortunate.


Good luck - I hope it works out ok for you.



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FWIW, there's far too much of this cr4p going on over the last 1.5 years *mad* if you get "it" then push for dual severance package (1) the "public one", and (2) the private seperation agreement, where they'll pay you more for your silence, and give you a letter of reference on the spot.


in the current climate, i'm not sure if it's better to be employed someplace where this is going on or not. as a past director, i can only speak from my experience that those that go first get the biggest payouts.... 😳


not that much of this may help, but give it a go if you're on the wrong side of the decision taken. also don't sign ANYTHING until seeing an employment solicitor. the 100-150 you spend companies typically pay for, and you may get more dosh out of them as a result of this inexpensive measure.


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE


Edited by - Steve-B on 12 Sep 2003 09:37:46

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I do feel for you - but it happened to me 18 months ago and I have never looked back. I put myself through a PRINCE 2 course and have been contracting ever since earning twice as much! I didn't think I had the skill set or anything but it has worked OK.


Have to get used to looking for a job every 6 months though ☹️


Chin up - it could be the best thing that ever happened - and that is not as hollow as it sounds.



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Fnigres corssed for yuo Nick - 😳 it seems to be a rough time is being had by lots of folks at the moment ☹️ we're really quiet too and being self-employed with no back-up redundancy money sitting in the bank either is very worrying ☹️ Even looked at finding something else to do but who'd want someone of my age? 😳




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Sorry to hear your worries. If its any consolation, it doesnt seem to be just IT that is quiet at the moment. I am roughly in Civil Engineering and we seem really quiet at the moment.


I am giving it till Christmas & if the work hasnt picked up or I havnt been laid off, I'm looking for new work.

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sorry to hear that Nick. Fingers crossed. My mate is a freelance software engineer and after taking 3 months off has just been offered a job out of the blue! IT is a strange world. Glad I'm not in it.


TomB, you reckon you are "roughly in Civil Engineering" In my experience all Civil Engineering is rough *wink*

But I agree it is real quiet for us too. Fortunately we have Heathrow to keep us ticking over this year.


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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I spent ages writing a reply and bl *mad* *mad* *mad*dy f *mad* *mad*king blatchat lost it

*mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad*.


15 minutes later I've typed it all in again


Thanks everyone for the support *thumbup* *thumbup*


Its been a strange sort of a day because its the last time we'll all be together, Still, like everyone else, i've done zero work today. I've packed my personal belongings in case iI get the boot, we've all been down the pub and as I had my 7 at work today I've taken two people for a blat.


On Monday we just come in and collect a letter which tells us if we still have a job or not, then we go home and those still employed go back on tuesday. Those made redundant get some outplacement support.


Either way Tuesday is going to be awful , the atmosphere at work will be dreadful as we will have lost a lot of friends and if I am made redundant the atmosphere at the outplacement office will be even worse.


Personally I'm off to Sudbury to get the nosecone and bonnet re-armourfended after my Toyota-bashing incident of a few weeks ago. It raised a few eyebrows in the office when I mentioned it but I figure I'm better off keeping myself busy.


We have a modest redundancy package, better than some but not as good as others. Apparently we should be very grateful because other companies in our group pay state minimum and we get that plus a months salary tax-free. Compared to Norwich Unions package its still pretty crap though - they get 3 months salary as a minimum plus a month for every year they have worked. Part of me wishes I wish I'd never left them now.


I've not worried about the redundancy thing much because there isnt much I can do about it, either they want me or they dont. I have the skills they say they want to keep so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed. My wife Sharon said at the start that I cant worry about it for 30 days, and its the best piece of advice I've had for a long time


None of us expects this to be the end, this is the second round this year, another section of the department comes under the spotlight very soon and then we all think we will be onto round three. The company is having a radical rethink about the way it does business and I think we are all in line sooner or later


On the bright side the IT contract market is showing signs of recovery, although it will mean travelling a bit.


If you've got this far thanks for reading it - its done me good to write it all down. I'll post again on Monday when i know the outcome although it will be quite late as i'll be out all day.








P8MRA - Red and Black 1.6K supersport


Edited by - Nick Woods on 12 Sep 2003 22:31:41


Edited by - Nick Woods on 12 Sep 2003 22:33:42

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Nick, sorry to hear about this. If it helps at all: My sister works in IT and about 4 years ago she was made redundant from Barclays. Quite honestly it was the best thing that happened to her. She has been contracting ever since and earns more now than she ever did at Barclays. She has only had a max of 1 month between contracts, but her high level of pay has meant that she can afford the time off and usually goes on fantastic holidays until the new contract starts.


Fingers crossed for you on Monday *thumbup*

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Well, I didnt win the lottery tonight 🙆🏻.


It would have been so cool to go in on Monday and get a letter saying I have a job and then just say 'naah, you keep it cos i dont want it anymore'. As it is i'll have to wait another week for my millions *biggrin*



P8MRA - Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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hold a wake at a local pub. my staff did last year when i was made redundant. little did we know that a %age of them would get "it" the day after *mad* if these folks were worth working with and knowing then a "wake" will make it a bit easier for all concerned IMHE *thumbup*


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE

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Can those of you with job finding experience send me any tips you have on CV writing please 🤔


Ideally I'd like successful CVs but I understand you might not want to send me your actual CV


Also, remember I've been working for a small amount enough of time that things like Uni are important as I don't have many years in business etc.


thanks *smile*



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Its still pretty grim in here and theres not a lot of work going on.


There was a 'wake' yesterday and we also had a company sponsored 'pre-wake' last week - we magaed to blow the £600 they put behind the bar and then we got onto our directors personal credit card *eek*


At least we have some outplacement support so those who have gone will get help writing cv's, some interview practice and some guidance about how to look for jobs. It could be a lot worse - state minimum and sod all else



P8MRA - Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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Interesting reading the comments about contracting here - I am seriously considering doing that soon (I don't think I'm about to be pushed by my company, but upgrades to my car to get to Supergrad or Roadsport A spec are pulling me in that direction anyway!)


I used to be a Personnel Manager before I got into IT - one of the reasons I made that change was that I didn't want to have to make anyone else redundant!



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