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Why is the room spinning

Mrs Mav

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Viv dismissed herself of her own accord. I have made hot drinks and will be tucking her up in bed just now. I will draw your attention that I made our evening meal etc this evening (as per most evenings). This is not a complaint.


Also I tend not to let miss at the whisky (only single malt and she does use it in a hot toddie), as it does make her fall over (last time she hurt herself ☹️)




Sorry if i scared you. The car looks nice (Pics on the Sutton 7's site) *smile*

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To answer the orig Q...


Perhaps you need to adjust your brake bias... *wink*


Or maybe - you are one of Bagpusses hagisses (dat don't look rite 2me, but ya get da pikture...)


My favourite episode actually...


Has that derailed things sufficiently to take your mind off???


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Glad to hear you're feeleing better, despite some inept ajustment of the temporal manipulation equipment. *thumbup*


I was expecting the obvious result from


'just nod your head and I'll hit it... '




😬 (the old ones are the best *thumbup*

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4th dimension spigot correctly aligned, lever now re-attached with copious quantities of duct tape, warp widget well-oiled, wibble jet working (I'd forgotten to take the bung out 😳) - yup, all ship-shape and Bristol-fashion


Hoopy, I fear we may get into awful trouble but I think she's ready to fly again. Just give me the nod (see previous reference to nods)...

the old ones are the best
Thanks allen, I had to use the time machine just to find that joke Hoopy would have been all right, it turns out it was one of Boonie the clown's foam-rubber lump hammers anyway.




*eek* *confused* *tongue* ☹️ *arrowdown*... Ugghhh...

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