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Have you noticed?...........


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.................just how many threads in the unmentionable area *arrowup* 😳 are absolute and utter cr*p ?

We are criticised ad nauseam for the banality we utter, we are pilloried nay, castigated for the trivia in which we indulge and yet............



Hey ho ☹️




Edited by - fullharness on 8 Sep 2003 00:34:35

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I always come here first, I find it much more interesting than upstairs...it's such a nice sense of community here, something that you don't get elsewhere. I think it is great that we have our own place and can leave the rest of them to get on with it...




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This is always the first place I go because there's bound to be a friendly welcome, a few Beanos and more than likely a virtual sweet/crisp (not those smelly ones please Alex) and some general wibbleness to put me in the right frame of mind. Things upstairs can get a bit tiresome.


Had a lousy day so far, I seem to have been running round in circles and taking two steps back for every one forward (no wonder people are giving me funny looks - perhaps I should put on Boonie's clown shoes and repeat the act in front of Rachael's desk to cheer her up a bit more). I've had enough and sneaked off to the the Bikesheds while the *arrowleft* *mad* *arrowright* isn't around to see...


Edited by - MisterToad on 8 Sep 2003 15:44:56

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I've made a grand total of one (1) posting upstairs, all the rest have been here (in this lifetime). (OK, so it's not a lot in total compared to most of you lot, but hey...) That should say something about where I think is better...


And the one (1) posting upstairs 🤔 Noticed someone else in relatively the same neck of the woods so had to say hello 😬

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Mr T, the smelly crisps were of C21VHPD's doing .. not mine *eek* *mad* *eek*



I like to pimp around upstairs from time to time .... with my knowing blatchat swagger, wide brim hat and blacked out windows *cool* however, I do find myself deleting more posts than I send though because I am sure to upset someone *eek* 😬



1.8K Viper Blue and Black



Edited by - abirtwisle on 8 Sep 2003 23:23:38

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