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Aintree & Final Championship Results

Silver 21

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Well what a day, for those that attended I hope you have dried out by now 😬 😬


A day that was forecast as dry with ocassional showers turned into a very wet day, we had one prctice run and then the COTC stopped the meeting due to standing water on the track (lots of it)


By 12.30 when a second drivers briefing was called we had still only had the 1 practice run, the boys on slicks went home as there was no guarentee the weather was going to improve......but it did 😬 😬.


By 4pm we had completed another practice run and 3 (yes 3) timed runs and boy is Aintree fast, for those that didn't go yesterday I suggest you do next year, its fantastic (a real bottle course if you know what I mean 😳)


Well enough rambling on the results are now up here and as usual if there are any discrepencies contact me in the usual way.


All I can say is what a fantastic group of people to compete against on a regular basis, I've thoroughly enjoyed myself and already have at least 7 events lined up for next year *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


PS Dont forget the Award Ceremony, I'm trying to get the price down a bit so will keep you all posted.




Competition Secretary

*cool* Lydden *thumbup*, Curborough *thumbup*, MIRA *thumbup*, Llandow *thumbup*, Loton Park *thumbup*, Curborough *thumbup* *thumbup*, Aintree...6 down, only 1 to go and its very close




Edited by - Bacon Butty on 8 Sep 2003 08:55:23

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Well done for the speedy results service yet again *thumbup*. Sounds like quite a day.


I had been wishing I was at Aintree with you but yesterday morning we had water problems of our own - a broken connection on the mains feed into the house was flooding the garage *thumbdown*. In the end not much damage but except to my wallet for the cost ofthe emergency plumber.


Anyway, back to the plot. Many congrats to Colin for the Class 2 win at last *thumbup*. Also congrats to Guy for the championship Class 2 win.


It's funny how when the championship was announced everyone said that it would be a bit of fun. This changed as we went through the season and it ended up being very, very competitive. Great fun 😬


I'm quite proud of my 7th in class and 23rd overall (but beaten but junior again). Looking forward to the awards lunch when I can hear all the stories of Aintree.






Fun is not a straight line.

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What can I say, I am truly speechless! Your results service, organisation and the whole shooting match has been fantastic this year. A very hearty "well done" from us all!


Well done everyone yesterday! I know I'm not the only one, sat in tent, car or whatever at about 1215 yesterday, that was questioning what on earth I was doing there at Aintree.


Colin, brilliant last run yesterday, I'm so glad I didn't let you slip too far ahead!! I've done some sums and based on a rough terminal speed yesterday of 105mph (approx 46.67 m/s I think) means at 0.42 seconds difference in the championship there was only about 19.6 metres or 63' 8" difference between us on the road for the whole season!!


I'm still sitting here in a mild state of shock!


Hope to see you all at the awards lunch. Graham, I hope you don't mind me reminding competitors that awards will be made at the lunch for L7C class positions at the non L7C events, so some of you out there may have pots to collect!


Time to shut up and have that coffee I think. Again, thanks to all that have made this a truly fantastic speed series. Back for more next year I think!





NN 😳

Lotus @ Herts

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What are these strange slots behind my ears 🤔 🤔........oh yes gills *eek* *eek* *eek*


Turned out to be a fantastic day *thumbup* *thumbup* in the end.


Can I also say a BIG thank you for ALL the effort that has been put into this Speed Championship...I have really enjoyed every minute (except for one or two minutes yesterday morning )....


Thanks Graham 😬 *thumbup* 😬 *thumbup*



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Well done for getting the results up so quick, what a mixed and varied day! ended up good though!

Just a niggle, all of my times on the results page are totally wrong! The LMC web page results tell the truth however *smile*

Well done everyone there!

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Sorry, my eyes must have been full of water still from all that swimming, I've now updated the results, championship standing and overall champion page




Competition Secretary

*cool* Lydden *thumbup*, Curborough *thumbup*, MIRA *thumbup*, Llandow *thumbup*, Loton Park *thumbup*, Curborough *thumbup* *thumbup*, Aintree *thumbup* *cool*

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Congratulations to Andy Griffiths on winning class 4! A well deserved win *smile*


Thank you also to Graham for your enthusiasm and for co-ordinating an excellent championship


Now to put my thinking cap on.....


Ditch the clamshells?


1800 engine?

15/14/13 inch wheels? Tyres?

Different class? List 1B tyres?

Change the car?

Leave everything alone???? *idea*


Edited by - KenEvans on 7 Sep 2003 18:31:06

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First of all thanks to Graham for organising such a great championship. The competition in all classes has been very close, none more so than in Class 2. Congratulations Guy on Championship Class 2 win. As you say 63. something foot behind you by the end of the season. Must try harder next year job permitting.


Thanks to everyone for making all the events so friendly. One particulat highlight was standing in a huddle at Loton at 11:30 at night watching video clip of Paul Ransom on Peter Carmichaels laptop.


Once again thanks to all and see hopefully most of you at the Championship dinner.





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What an amazing day that was! Hugely enjoyable despite the morning deluge, and my immobiliser refusing to disarm before second practice- I eventually got out between two F3000 cars!


Many many thanks to all who helped sort out a temporary repair to the electrical problem, and who bump-started me for each of the timed runs- I wouldn't have got back on track but for you guys.


Just a minor point, Graham- in the Aintree results I am down as class 4- I am actually class 2, and I don't seem to appear in the championship standings despite doing Curborough 2, though I won't be causing much upheaval at the top!


Congratulations to the victors in a close championship!

Thanks, Graham.

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I would just like to add my thanks for organising an excellent speed championship. This is my first season of any form of motorsport which I have thoroghly enjoyed and as Arnie would say "Ill be back" and hope to be a bit more competitive next year. I must admit that I wondered what I had let myself in for spinning on my first practice run, in my first event at a wet Curborough *eek*. I believe it is the people that has made this event, Graham in his shorts and never short of a laugh, the banter in all classes and competitors always willing to help there rivals *thumbup*.


Roll on 2003 and see you at the awards dinner *thumbup*




Mark D

Su77on Se7ens *cool*

Avoiding the Kerbs

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😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


Many thanks to Graham for pulling thye championship together and for a fantastic results service *thumbup*


Geoff Pickin for organising much of the paperwork behind all the events *thumbup*


Barbara , Roger and all their team for 2 great Curborough events *thumbup*


and of course all fellow competitors for making each event such a great day with a friendly atmosphere and a highly competitive spirit .


Roll on next year ..............


does anyone know how to fit nitros ??? *wink*



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I had more fun this year snapping at the heels of the contenders 😬 than I had last year when only my driving could let me down.


The points system has been a great success *thumbup* *thumbup* and the balance of events held vs. events required to post a full tally of scores was good. It was a shame that none of us in class 5 could really offer a challenge to Dave J, although the competition lower down the class was intense.


I seem to have specialised in coming second. Out of five events up against Simon Rogers he has beaten me three times and I have beaten him twice (wet Curborough was a bit of a lottery). At both events where I got the better of Simon, DaveJ was there taking first place, so I didn't get a chance to claw back much needed points. I possibly could have edged Simon out of 2nd place at Llandow but I was best man at a wedding in the States that weekend, so had good reason for not being there. Still my career tally from 8 events still has my novice showing at Clash of the Titans as my worst result (3rd) and Llandow 2002 as my only win. I am now running at 6 second places in a row, although that record probably only stands because I ducked out of Curborough 2 in August (there were some very fast times coming from Lawrence Hoy and Patrick Macmaster, so I mught have struggled to do any better than fourth).


I competed 5 events this year and all except Curborough were at new venues (I know this was the same for many others). The effort of learning each venue in the limited time available added to the edge of competition. Most disappointing was Lydden where, with the event finished by lunchtime, there was a real feeling that there was a lot more to come.


Roll on next year. There is every potential that I may have a new "big engine" in place by the new year, although given the fun I have had this year I may save the money and carry on losing

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Well done to all those who won their class, and thanks to Graham and everybody else who contributed to making the championship happen this year.

This was my first ever toe in the water of any form of motorsport and I've enjoyed every minute of it - roll on next year!





Andy Nicholls


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Thanks to Graham and all other organisers for a well run and very enjoyable championship.


Congratulations to Dave for deservedly wining class 3 and to Rob for holding onto 2nd place despite only doing 4 events.


I've really enjoyed battling with Rob and Steve in class 3, next year I'll try to do most of the events rather than only 3.





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Thanks again to Graham for organising such a great competition.Thanks also to Ken and the rest of class 4 espcially ken who took it to the last event.Thanks also to Graham Ford for helping start my car at the last event.I have enjoyed watching all the classes because they were so close.See you all at the prize giving!!!



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