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Throttle sticking


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Any body had this happen on a K series?


It happened to me twice yesterday, once at high speed.


I had to blip the throttle a few times for it to unstick. The car was accelerating away at about half throttle on its own.


Then later at much lower speeds it did the same as I approached a t-junction, the brakes locked and the car carried on. It took a bit of quick pedal work to bilp the throttle unstuck as I was breaking with my right foot at the time.


This has worried me a bit, and I am not venturing out today to meet up with the LAD club, esp as the roads are damp.


Does any body know the cure?


I am going to anglesey in March and I dont want it happening there!







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Have you fitted a K & N air filter or have you reffited it and Tightened it up to much and deformed the throttle Body causeing the butterfly to stick .


The throttle body is only made of plastic on the 1.6 K so this is quite easy to do.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, happened many times, also on a brand spanking new K series motor. Many brown trouser events later and much asking around I discovered that it is a common fault with the K series.

It is the spindle for the butterfly sticking in its plastic mount. There are no bushes or other forms of 'high tech' bearing and the metal to plastic that is used is not fool proof. The solution is a veyr small squirt of WD40 or similar on the offending butterfly spindle.

Since I did this I have had no problems at all. The trouser dry cleaning bill has been reduced dramatically as well.






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Based on no throttle stop being fitted, any damage caused by using full throttle (to the linkage etc, not the engine obviously) would be covered by warranty, not due to wear and tear but due to the design of the throttle not being fit for the job, ie. manufacturing fault. Caterham need these kind of claims to drag them into the 21st century. ie. fit a throttle stop!



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I half remember Derek Moore (classic carriage) telling me that when he builds a seven from kit he adds something at the point where the accelerator cable goes through the front bulkhead/footwell(a rose joint??) so that the cable cannot "catch" at this point. It might be worth giving him a ring about this.

Sorry I cannot be more precise - it was some time ago and i didn't have a seven at the time.

but it sounds like something we should know more about!





If it ain't broke, maybe it's time I had a look at it...

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Mine kept sticking open and even with a new cable we were baffled when it continued, as it has four return springs . We finally found that the finish on the bottom of the throttle pedal was rough and a tiny piece of sharp weld was prominant on the very bottom of the pedal.

This wore a very small hole in the the footwell bulkhead when the pedal touched it under full throttle and hence the pedal was sticking to the bulkhead and not returning.


At the time I told me mates that I spend so much time with my foot hard on the floor that I wore the pedal out ! Its worth checking this out though.

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