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All knowing Boonie Sir,


Do you have any idea why there were about 6 police cars on Barnwell Road yesterday? *confused* *confused*


I didn't get close enough to have a good look, but they definitely had a van with some kind of camera equipment...but not sure whether it was to catch people speeding...wouldn't have been a very good place to do it...


Any ideas?


They've gone today thank goodness!




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Sometimes in Rugby on the main road (actually past the cop shop) there is a mass gathering of traffic cars / bikes and an unmarked transit with 2 camera's poking out of the back.


This doesn't seem to be the usual speed trap, and I've always assumed they are using numberplate recognition to pull over untaxed / stolen vehicles etc. *thumbup*

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Thanks PP,


That is what I assumed they were doing...


There was a car parked at the end of the road to our office and another at a junction a bit further down, as well as one or two up by the van...guess they were to chase people if necessary...


There seem to be lots of police about in Cambs at the moment, saw two police cars on my way to my friends house last night...




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Fear not your knight is here.


The van has Automatic Number Plate Recognition equipment on board. It basically can tell if your car is stolen has tax, insurance etc or if the driver is wanted for any reason. This has proved incredibly effective in places across the UK and Cambs have been trialing it for some time.


The Safety Camera vans are yellow these police ones should be white.

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Thanks Boonie *wink* *thumbup*


I didn't really get close enough to see what colour the van was, I was concentrating on driving quickly, but not too quickly 😳 *wink* the other way!!


We certainly heard a few sirens through the day, so I guess they must have caught a few people...




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Some could argue that every fatality costs more than £1 million and that if safety cameras are placed at spots where excess speed is causing accidents than this could reduce this....then again you could argue.......Hands round toffees and Beanos as does not want to start an argument over safety cameras and their use.
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But Boonster, we're all have a modicum of intelligence in here and can surely have a reasoned discussion *wink* *wink*


My POV..............

I have absolutely no problem with cameras - As long as they are positioned according to the Minister of State for Transport's promises in 1991 (or whenever they were first erected). They should be highly visible to warn motorists that they are entering an area of increased danger. There should also be a warning sign within a mile of the camera. They should be placed at 'accident hot spots'; near schools, play areas and where more vulnerable road users come into close proximity of motorised transport.


They should not be placed in grey boxes, behind roadside furniture or trees. If they are truly "safety" cameras, they have to be visible, so that people can think, react and re-adjust their speed to one that is appropriate for the surrounding conditions.


If cameras are hidden, the public perception is that they are 'scameras' or 'revenue generators'. When cameras are hidden on an open stretch of road which in the past would have been derestricted - the only motive must be to contain, control and punish for what is not necessarily in itself a dangerous act.


When all cameras across the country can be seen to be sited in areas of danger (be it the type of road or the mixture of road users), then the public will have its' faith restored in those who are in authority.


I'm not advocating 'speeding'. What we need is sensible speed limits for the conditions, strictly enforced. We also need to coerce drivers into developing the right attitude towards their fellow man. If everyone took a driving test, insured, taxed and MOT'd their car and had a refresher check on their standard of driving periodically, we wouldn't need these vans of any colour..... or cameras for that matter. The police could then go about their duties and deal with the rapists, thieves and those who are truly driving in a dangerous manner.



Edited by - fullharness on 28 Aug 2003 16:01:02

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Takes Soap Box from FH and hands over Pic and Mix. Puts on serious hat.


I completely agree with what you say and that is what the safety camera partnerships should abide by. I think they are a tool no more, no less, just like a breatherliser that has to be used in the right circumstances. But are part of an armoury of measures from physical appropriate enginering to driver education. It's the idiot behind the wheel that we have to get to.


There is an interesting debate to be had about Safety Cameras outside schools. There are schools that have speeding/ accidents problems but there are many who do not or where othe measures are better. I'd like to see stats about accidents outside schools. In Cambs we have very few compared to other places such as junctions etc. Safety Cameras work very well though keeping 30 and 40 limits. They have, in our area and I think nationally, shown a reduction in accidents.


As to non-camera parrtnership cameras - those which are grey, not sign posted etc. The money from those fines goes straight to the treasury and not the local council that has paid for it. These are often put in places where the locals want them...but not always. I think if all County's abided by the partnership rules then it would be much better. The money from fines could go to better roads safety/ driver education.


Anyway, I do agree with FH. I would like to see more driver education and traffic police. safety cameras are not the one and only answer but are good in suitable places.


Gets down off Soap Box - feels good for having an adult conversation.


Then sticks tongue out.



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(next visitor to speaker's corner soap box, after mowing lawn)


i really like what one of the sussexes has done. they have signs with a detector on them that

FLASH YOUR SPEED and say SLOW DOWN. i really like them a lot, and would love to have a gubment to implement more of these.


when you shame people, they resent it, and come up with non clever ways to subvert things.


much better to educate, than to shame, abuse, and rape IMHO our wallets


(passed soap box to next speaker, steps down)



Steve B

Faster than the Speed of Dark Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE

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Gets back on soap box - just for the exercise - nearly slips off from polish.


Interactive signs are very good and are now cropping up in our County. We have the ones that show the speed limit and only flash if you are doing well over it.


The ones that flash your speed, I think and this is IMHO, can encourage certain drivers to actually go faster in a bid to get a higher score. The ones we have tend to get those people who have come into a 30, say for argument, not paying particular attention and are still doing 40 etc. They not only act as a reminder - more useful say than a normal sign as they stand out, but in some ways I always think they huniliate you into dropping your speed. Everyone can see you are speeding.


There are signs that flash a happy face if you are below the limit and a sad face if you are above. Again I wonder if those encourage drivers to see what faces they can get - possibly egged on by their kids.


Early results show that the ineractive signs we are using at the moment work.

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*mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad*


Just read that the Sun (I had nothing to read on the bus and somebody left it lying about) caught the famouse North Wales Chief Constable's daughtr doing 69 in a 50 on an emptry dual-carriaway. They then go on to say that he's been quoted as saying heroin should be legalised because if addicts aren't robbing people to pay for it they don't cause any trouble.


could he tell me what trouble is being caused by someone going at 70 in a 50 on an empty dual carriageway 🤔



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Blatant theft from Pistonheads..... here for the full story



I too like the principle of interactive signs but agree that they can become "targets of achievement" for those with the wrong mentality. It's that word again.... ATTITUDE... Boonie, they're quite expensive aren't they IIRC? In which case, those in favour of cameraputterupperers would win any discussion with the greysuitdepartment because the cameras eventually pay for themselves, whereas you only award brownie points to drivers who take heed of the warnings from the interactives and nothing ends up in the county coffers. Mind you, that's a separate issue, the funding for any road safety scheme should surely come from central government? A mix of interactives, with a camera a little further on would have the desired effect. "If you don't take notice of our polite warning, then we'll relieve you of some cash and put some points on your licence as a way of a reminder!"


On the 1188 there is an interactive sign that's set below the 30 limit *eek* I was in the tintop and knew the sign was there. It had also been lit up by the driver/s in front and I was doing below 30 when I entered the restricted speed area. Road Angel said I was doing 28 *confused*


Isn't it a shame that so many people have to have a huge stick (sorry Boonie Hound, don't get excited) *wink* shaken at them and we all have to pay the price for their attitude problems *mad* Accidents at junctions are often down to excessive approach speed, making an assumption that you will be able to join the main road from the minor road but the most deadly error is made by those who overtake at or near a junction Utter stupidity, especially as the car coming out of that junction and turning left invariably forgets to LOOK left before turning......result BANG *eek*


If we all educated ourselves to be more aware of what's going on around us, to concentrate more, to have the right attitude towards others, we'd save the NHS squillions (and indirectly we'd save ourselves in reduced taxes) Actually, even if we did reduce casualties, I doubt if taxes would go down


I did some calculations a year or so ago. If every driver took just a day of training, and that means psychological tests as well as driving - and the government paid for it all - after three years, they'd have saved so much money in emergency services/hospital/insurance etc, they could actually afford to reduce taxes! But everyone thinks they're perfectly safe and that "it won't happen to me". The accidents continue to happen and in desperation, the government advisers have come up with a big stick that pays for itself. If only we could see a few carrots .....munch, munch.



Yippee, I can see a yardarm............ *tongue*


Edited by - fullharness on 28 Aug 2003 17:42:51

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i took a advanced driving day with a company called Ride Drive a few months ago in my 7. having grown up in a very litigous country(USA) you learn to take Defensive Driving courses. they're real eye openers, and you get very cautious. Mrs. B had gotten a course with them when we bought our Cerbera and gave it 3 *thumbup*


in my day with Ride Drive(who i HIGHLY RECOMMEND)you go through a "normal" set of public road experiences. at points when the instructor wanted me to do things that i would evaluate and not due do to my evaluation of the situation to hand.


btw, all Ride Drive personnel are carefully selected; each being hand picked for their professionalism, driving/riding expertise and people handling skills, as well as all being Class One police drivers


courses like this should be MANDATORY to all drivers, period. it was nice i got a 10% discount on my yearly cover, but that wasn't the point.


still it didn't prepare me for the 18 yr old tw4t that was talking to his friend and not looking as he shot out of a side road and into the RH side of our 7 whilst we were on the main road


but i was far better prepared during the incident occuring to not involve others when HE hit me....and now the insurance companies will be sorting this tw4t out


Steve B

Faster than the Speed of Dark Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE


Edited by - Steve-B on 29 Aug 2003 10:08:31

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fair enough, i didn't know of Cadence, and Mrs. B had used RD so since they were local i gave them a go... *thumbup* it's something folks should do sooner rather than later when they

acquire cars of performance. it really helps you gain confidence(not arrogance) which makes

you safer for yourself, and others


Steve B

Faster than the Speed of Dark Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE


Edited by - Steve-B on 29 Aug 2003 10:13:21

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