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Mechanic Recommendation (San Fernando Valley,CA)


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To anyone in the southern California area, could you recommend a mechanic to take my Caterham to? I can't get the car to start, and unfortunately work and family commitments keep me from in-depth investigation of the problem myself. Because I've never had to rely on a mechanic for this car before, I don't know of anyone trustworthy and capable of working on my car. Of course, the fact that nobody here has ever heard of a Caterham before doesn't help. Being a crossflow, I assume there are many who could do the work, but it would ease my fears of leaving the car if I could get a recommendation. The San Fernando Valley area would be best, as she needs to be towed. Thanks for any help!
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Ronbo, I would suggest you find someone with a small garage that runs a Racecar, as they would be sympathetic to your problems. The promise of a ride afterwards might encourage them a little. If it needs parts you can promise to obtain them so that is one worry they won't have to spend too much time on.


My father before he retired used to have a small garage. He would hate having cars arrive that were rare or unusual as they could sit in the workshop months waiting for parts. However if the customer was proactive and knew where all the parts could be obtained he was much happier to take them on.


Edited by - Graham Perry on 21 Aug 2003 07:39:29

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Ronbo, I was in California a couple of years ago and wanted to check if it was possible to hire a Seven, and I recall getting details on the web of a company based between San Francisco and Los Angeles that actually hired out Sevens (think they had three on their books). Sorry don't have the name, and they might be a long way from you, but If the company is still going, it might be worth searching for, to get details of Seven knowledgeable mechanics in California.

Regards, Des

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Autocourse in Laguna Niguel has 7 experience and some crosflow knowledge. Perhaps he can make a recommendation @ 949-499-4782. I also know a Westy owner in West Hollywood who could steer you in the right direction, probably. Contact me off line if you want to contact him. *cool*
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Try contacting these guys:




They've been Lotus men forever - and I do mean forever. I sourced some Lotus Cortina parts from them eons ago (I've had 2, both White w/ Green Flash, Mark Is for thems what is in the know - whatta ride!)


They have X-flow experience and 7 experience for sure. Santa Barbara is a bit of a poke from the Valley (unless you live in Calabasas!). I think they'll be worth talking to.





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sorry for butting in on your page but do you know of anyone who would be interested in buying what i think might be the ultimate caterham 7.

It is a 2001 caterham 7 bielieu ltd edition serial number 007( as in bond) plaque fitted to dash to prove it.

It is a vauxhall 1600 8v in aluminium/ british racing green with yellow piping around the nose and cycle wings

6200 miles only and the plaque is signed by lord montague of bielieu himself.

Absolutely gorgeous car which makes heads turn whereever.

If anyone knows of anyone interested please let me know and i will give more details.


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I don't know about Joe Kelly. I visited his shop when it was in Santa Monica back in '93. Something didn't feel quite right and I ended up ordering my kit from Chris at Sevens & Elans in Mass. (about 3000 miles away). Turns out later that Joe got into some trouble with the State of Ca. for some reason or other, or so I've heard. Wouldn't surprise me that he's moving around. Escondido is an "interesting" place to sell Caterhams. Malibu makes much more sense, given the wealth of the locals to purchase big $$ toys.


Checking with Dave Bean is a good idea, and would send him my car in an instant, but I think he moved from Santa Barbara several years ago and is now in Northern Ca which is probably at least 500+ miles from me. I'm still following the leads you kind folks have given me. Thanks again for the help and support!

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Ronbo, I have heard that Joe Kelly, in addition to being the Caterham dealer for race cars, has a full time job as a service manager @ Brecht BMW in Escondido---he formerly held a similar position @ a BMW dealer around Thousand Oaks(maybe). Mr. Bean(the US version) is now located about an hour southeast of Sacramento in the Gold Country. Are you interested to attend the Shelby Club track day @ Streets of Willow the last weekend of September with some of us other 7ers? *cool*
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I take my HPC to Julian at Winning Makes in Santa Barbara. He has been looking after my car for the past 3 years since I moved down here. Right now its in the shop having the final touches done to the body work after my neighbour backed over it with his Suburban. Also having a stumble taken out at 3200rpm. He is more than fair and his guys work on just about anything older and esoteric.

I met Joe Kelly last year at a Lotus LA meeting at Gladstone's in Malibu. Seemed like a nice guy but was more focused on his racing than working on customer cars. I think he has the 'dealership' for his racing purposes.

If you have AAA premium you can always have it flatbeded wherever you want...even Santa Barbara.

Hey Ronbo, you were asking me last year about batteries. Well mine is gone again; 4 in 11 years. I'm not sure what Julian is replacing it with but I told he of my marine battery experiences......probably relocate it soon too.

Hoping to see my car soon.


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If my car is back in time and I can rent a trailer, I'll be there( on the track), if I cant find a trailer then I'll drive the 7, if the car isn't ready then I'll be there in my truck. The only thing that might hold me back after those issues, is if my girlfriend doesn't want to go. BUT, I don't see why not since she loves Cobras and wants to buy a real AC or Shelby. So........maybe.

Actually would really like to meet with other 7's in SoCal sometime (obviously when my car is back).

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I live in laguna Beach and have kept my Xflow as daily driver for 7 years doing all work myself. If you want to chat on phone about things to do on your own, please call 949-497-3443. Have interacted with virtually all 7 folk in S. Cal, highly recommend Bean reference. I am also the guy whose car caused Kelly trouble with state of CA. good luck, Jay Glass
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