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Big scary spider

Mikey UC

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I have a big spider in bath type of problem, thought bike shed people might have a good idea on dealing with it. I can normally coax them in to an item of Tupperware, this one however is huge and I don’t want to upset it, I don’t actually want to get anywhere near it.


Does anyone have any tips on spider removal ? can apparatus be purchased to deal with the problem ?


And why do they always end up in the bath ? it cant operate the taps, and it has no idea where I keep my shower jell anyway !


Mikey (bit of a woos really) U-C


(nice bike shed by the way)


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Mrs B takes a long piece of toilet paper and puts it so it reaches into the bath, near the spider and the other end is on the floor. The spider will usually use it as a ladder to get out - or when it's on the paper you can usually drag it out of the bath so you don't have to touch it.



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alternatively you could block up the overflow and fill the bath to the brim having previously thrown (from a safe distance) a sponge into the bath for the spider to use as a life raft. *smile*

Using a broom you could then guide the sponge to the edge of the bath and the spider can safely disembark *thumbup*

I would then leave the bathroom for a while in case the spider in question is susceptable to seasickness *eek*


Hope this helps. Haven't tried it myself but I can't see any flaws in the plan 😬 *wink*


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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Yes is does seem like a good plan David, although I don’t think we own a bath sponge, so I might substitute another piece of tupperware (not the piece I normally use, but another bowl shaped piece) with a ruler maybe propped against the side to act as a boarding ramp. A small empty tea bag should double up as a sea sickness bag – just in case.


Hope misses UC approves the plan......

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You can actually buy a spider catcher. It has a long plastic arm and a pyramid on the end, you put the catcher over the top of the spider while standing at arms length and as you pick the catcher up there is a piece of plastic which slides over and traps the spider inside...a clever innovation.


Personally, I'd just turn the taps on *eek*




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Moomin, you are cruel and sadistic and horrible and ... *mad*


Also I may have spotted a flaw in DH's cunning plan. As the bath gets fuller and fuller the sponge (complete with spider) rises and rises and gets nearer and nearer to tap level. As it reaches the brim do you reach across just inches from the spider to turn off the taps, or do you run away and flood the bathroom 🤔


M *confused*

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Mister Toad,


good point *eek*

however *idea* the flow of water away from the taps will result in the sponge doing big circuits of the bath. Turn off the taps when the sponge is at the other end of the bath.

I recommend a slow fill rate to reduce chances of overfilling. Plus the spider is less likely to get seasick or dizzy *thumbup*



Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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As someone who has an a fear of spiders, I've discovered the vacuum cleaner in the last week... before I've always got someone else to remove the spider or used a glass or paper. But this one was just too HUGE to even think about covering it with a pint glass or whacking it, so sucked it up. *cool* The noise as it whacks up the tube and into the cleaner is spine chilling, but at least you know you got the bu66er and there's no chance he'll escape behind anything! 😬
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Until you turn the hoover off and it crawls out of the nozzle and sets up camp in your broom cupboard 😳


I'm afraid Mikey it is spider season. we're overrun with them at home - I don't mind by Michael's not keen *tongue* One has set up camp on the wing mirror of the tintop - has the good sense to hide in the casing when you hit about 40 mph *cool*


Best of luck - may your bath be arachnid free this evening



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