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A Sad Farewell


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Thank you all for your kind posts here and emails, but I have made my mind up.


I will give the background into the reason for my decision:


The person who is the cause of my decision (who shall remain nameless, and is noticeable by their absence on this thread) basically got WAY too personal for my liking on a different thread (now completely deleted), which I found quite unnerving.


After I had created this thread, the person deleted the most offensive posts, and emailed me, apologised saying they were drunk, which I feel is a lame excuse.

I have frequented the bikesheds in various states of inebriation over the last few months and do not think I have offended anyone.

They eventually revealed their various sources of information on me, all of which were valid & innocent enough, but it was more the fact that they had made the effort to do the research about me and my family / place of work & the method in which the whole thing was approached.


Another regular in the bikesheds warned that they could be breaching the Data Protection Act, which eventually brought them to their senses.


I feel that this was unprovoked, and any comments made by me in the past were purely in jest, and were made by ME, and not anything to do with my wife or children.


Further comments like threatening to reveal the primary school my daughter is due to attend really shook me up, and I now assume that information is not readily available, but at the time I was unaware of how much information the person had, and from where it was sourced.


Because of all this, I have had to change my posting on friends reunited (more fool me for placing any personal information on it), and my wife has concerns over the persons’ intentions (which I am sure are innocent enough).

This may sound as if I’m overreacting, but when I look at it from her perspective, I don’t know this person other than through this forum, and so in harsh reality is a complete stranger.


This surely is not what this, or any other forum is about.


I am not a secretive person, I have quite happily shared personal information with you all, most notably my wedding earlier this year, my dental woes, and most recently and with much widespread enjoyment, my vasectomy.

None of these personal issues being openly discussed on this forum were in anyway upsetting or hurtful towards me, as they were offered by ME, and were about ME, and thankfully were discussed / laughed about in an inoffensive manner at all times.


Sorry if I have gone on and on about this, and I find it hard to believe I am posting something like this (this is not my normal style of post) in a forum like the bikesheds, but as you may have gathered, my feelings are very strong regarding this whole episode, and I now feel I can put it behind me.


Thanks again,





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there there Boonie, just watch SF Caretaker doesn't spot you making dents in school property with your head 😬


It is verrrrrrrry quiet round here though isn't it ☹️


Edited by - Tam on 13 Aug 2003 13:40:46

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As a new and, admittedly, infrequent shedder I was greatly disturbed by your explanation of the reasons for standing back but wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments.


Like yourself, I use my true identity on B/Chat but have to admit that one or two unpleasant occurrences in the past have caused me to question the wisdom of this.


Maybe we should re-invent ourselves on B/Chat with a new persona 😬


Mind you there is one VERY notable person on here who thought my name was just a B/Chat identity and couldn't possibly be real. I have to say, though, I was flattered by her explanation of what she thought was the derivation of the name *wink*


Or maybe she was simply trying to dig herself out of the hole she had just created for herself 😬 😬 😬


Let GOOD humour prevail on this forum I say. *thumbup* 😬 😬 😬 😬


Oh and......Trench coat











Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 13 Aug 2003 13:57:46

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