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Aero deflectors in place of 'doors'


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Does anyone have experienc of the aero deflectore thingies CC sell for about £50.

They fit on the sides of the windscreen in place of the 'doors'.


Are they any good for summer driving? Or do you get too much wind buffetting and a face full of gravel off the front wheels?


2 days to collecting up my 1st Cat 7. and counting.....

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No first hand experience of the deflectors, but previous threads have suggested that they make no difference.


I`m happiest with doors off (side mirrors from Low Flying ad). Particulary good if you enjoy having your right nostril sand-blasted.


Apparently no screen, and deflector is less turbulent and faster, but not plucked up courage to tackle a project which involves drilling scuttle etc yet.

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Having recently been out in Angus and Tessa's aeroscreened car I can confirm it is less turbulent than the full screen. Eye protection is strongly advised. Deflectors do nothing but look good. Bigger ones would help, and people bend them so they stick out more, which helps a bit. Sidescreens are too hot here in France but removing them means a sandblasted nostril (ear, eyes...). If you can't get a secondhand set then I think £50 is excessive - go to your local signwriter, get some perspex and make some. I find that a higher deflector, above the top corner of the screen, helps, you may wish to play with some cardboard before you build your definitive ones.
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They work up to about 30mph. They can be bent out to deflect a bit more and maybe work up to 35mph. I dont think they are worth 50 quid, you should be able to pick some up second hand for a lot less. As stated before they are only a bit of bent perspex and some bolts. I took mine off and replaced with doors as the car has become my daily drive. It's not the same, almost feels like a different car and not nearly as much fun. Still it gives me something too look forward to at the weekends, get the doors off and mess my hair up.


I have clamshells which do a better job of keeping the wind off you.




Edited by - Seven in SA on 24 Jul 2003 16:12:54

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I do over 6000 miles a year in my 7 and if I lost my deflectors I would buy new ones.

They raise the speed at which things become 'objectionable' by 10-15 mph.


It's a waste of time asking questions about 'creature comforts' on here because everyone is so anxious to look hard - no weather gear, no heater, no spare wheel, etc, etc.


Jerry Parker


1.4 Supersport

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With so many Nay's I have to agree with Jerry, they do make a difference, if I lost my deflectors I'd buy some dirt cheap off someone that thinks they are naff.


I don't mind the '7 hairdo' , or the feeling of having your brains pulled out through the nostrils by coathangers *eek* when at speed but I do find that the turbulence impairs vision when not wearing my XL1 goggles and ordinary sunglasses are much more comfortable when on a long drive, so I wear them when below 50mph.


Judging by the amount of gravel that I have to regularly empty out they probably also save me from being sandblasted as well.


As for damaging the car Guy, mine rest on a transparent 'blobs' that protect the paintwork and they don't move at all regardless of speed.


To misquote Nic, it's much more fun without the sidescreens 😬 😬 😬


Brrrrrrrrr..... *cool*

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